Plants, Animals, Fungi, Bacteria are examples of what type of Factor
What is a Biotic Factor
Primary energy source for all organisms
What is the sun
uncontrolled combustion of vegetation
What is forest fire
Predictable pattern of changes in an ecological community over time
What is ecological succession
What is Pangea
The interaction between biotic and abiotic factors is essential for the _______of an Ecosystem
What is Sustainability
Arrows in a food chain or food web represent
What is flow of energy
Variation of genes in with the gene pool
What is genetic diversity
Begins with bare rock
What is Primary Succession
Subduction zones, trenches, volcanic island arcs
What is convergent boundary
Occurs when there is limited resources
What is Competition
Organism's position in a food chain or web
What is trophic level
Phenomenon in nature that overwhelms an ecosystem's resources and can disrupt the flow if energy within it.
What is natural disaster
First species to inhabit an area
What is Pioneer species
Earthquakes, Fault Lines
What is Transform Boundary
Community of living and nonliving factors that interact in a specific area
What is ecosystem.
How much energy is transferred to the next trophic level above it
What is 10%
Ability to maintain stable conditions despite external disruptions
What is sustainability
Stable and balanced community, including a variety of hardwood tress, plants and animals.
What is a climax community
Ocean ridge, volcanoes, rift valley
What is Divergent
Trees may grow taller or spread their leaves wider to caputre more light is an example of?
What is competition?
If a pesticide is introduced into an ecosystem, which trophic level of the energy pyramid would be most affected?
The Primary Producers (plants) (bottom level), which would then impact the entire food chain upward.
How can we measure the health of an ecosystem?
By looking at the ecosystems Biodiversity.
Begins with existing soil that remains after natural disaster or disruption
What is secondary succession
Identical fossils
Matching rock patterns
Glacial Striations
What is Evidence of Continental Drift