What two groups make up an ecosystem?
Living (Biotic) and Non-living (Abiotic)
Food consumed by Caterpillars
Leaves of plants
A community of living an non-living organisms interacting in their physical environment
What is ecosystem
Caused by cars and factories that damages the ozone layer
What is air pollution
The main source of energy for functioning ecosystems.
What is the sun?
its a meat eater?
An animal that eats producers are called?
Removing habitat and food source have caused the orangutans to __________ in population
what is decrease
Makes the food that animals need to live.
What is a producer?
Are birds consumers or producers?
Owl, mouse, beetles
What are consumers in an ecosystem?
its how bees help out plants
what is pollinate flowers so seeds can form.
An example of a producer
Grass, moss, ferns, trees
Is the owl a predator or a prey
Predator; no prey to any animal
Fire, volcano, drought
Natural disasters that destroy ecosystems
When human cut down large amount of trees
What is deforestation
Process plants use to make their own food
What is photosynthesis?
The most important thing which plants give us as their waste.
What it is called when you have no more of a certain animal
Breaks down dead organisms and releases nutrients from the dead matter into the environment around them
They break down decaying remains.
What is a decomposer?
The natural home of an animal, plant, or other organism
What is a Habitat
Hunted by a predator
The invasive species has caused harm to the everglades in Florida
What is Boa Constrictors