Oh, what a web!
Catch me if you can (or catch some dinner)
Rotting away
I will survive
Oh, behave!
Receives energy from the sun and provides energy to organisms.
What is a producer?
Ducks have this type of specialized structure so they can easily swim in water.
What is webbed feet?
An organism like an insect that eats the remains of other animals.
What is a decomposer?
The marking on a butterfly that scares off predators.
What is an adaptation?
Behavior that animals are born knowing (to fly south in the winter).
What is migration?
An animal that eats both plants and animals.
What is an omnivore?
Hawks and eagles have this type of specialized structure so they can catch prey in the air.
What are claws?
Decomposers fit into this by eating dead plants and animals.
What is a food web?
Two things that a wild animal in the artic needs in order to survive.
What are thick fur, layers of fat, white covering, and fur covered paws (any of these two)?
Having brown fur, hibernating in the winter, and knowing when to migrate.
What is an inherited trait?
Animals need these things to travel through a food chain.
What are nutrients and minerals?
Elephants have this specialized structure so they can walk in deep mud.
What are (really BIG) feet that act like spongy, shock absorbers?
Decaying organisms help create the next generation of organisms by putting this in the soil.
What are the decaying organims put minerals back into the soil?
The best explanation for a decrease in a population of birds in a community.
What is the amount of food decreases?
A bear knows that winter is coming by eating more, storing up fat, and needing to hibernate by using this.
What is an instinct?
This is most likely to happen if most of a population of animals dies of disease.
What is the food web will change?
These organisms only eat meat (and give an example of one).
What is a carnivore (examples are a hawk, fox, owl, bear, wolf, etc.)?
This happens if there were no decomposers (two things).
What are dead organisms pile up AND nutrients and minerals would not be put into the soil for plants to grow?
The most common way for dandelion seeds to move from place to place.
What is wind?
One behavior that a bear must learn from its parents.
What is how to catch fish?
The FOUR categories that a fox could be classified in a food web (pick four of these: carnivore, omnivore, herbivore, consumer, producer, predator, and prey).
What are the categories of carnivore, consumer, predator, and prey?
These organisms eat only vegetables (and name one too).
What is a herbivore (example, grasshopper, deer, cow, etc.)?
The two things that speed up the process of decomposing.
What are moisture and heat?
This would help balance a meadow ecosystem with too many rabbits.
What is more foxes that eat rabbits?
A skunk uses this defense mechanism to keep predators away (identify and explain).
What is strong stinky spray (the skunk raises its tail in defense and the skunk's glands produce the stinky smell that is so strong that it keeps predators away)?