What is a predator?
An animal that eats or hunts another animal.
What is competition?
When two living things fight for the same resource.
What is symbiosis?
A close relationship between two different species.
What is an ecosystem?
All of the living and non-living things in an area that work together to survive.
What is prey?
An animal that gets eaten or hunted by a predator.
What is something animals might compete for?
Food, water, shelter, sunlight, etc.
What is an example of a symbiotic relationship?
Bee and a flower, flea and a dog, clownfish and sea anemone, etc.
True or False: A lion eats grass.
False! A lion eats other animals (meat).
True or False: A rabbit is a predator.
False! Rabbits are prey.
True or False: A hyena and a lion are competitors.
True! They both hunt for the same food.
True or False: A clownfish and a sea anemone are competitors.
False! They have a symbiotic relationship.
What happens if a predator disappears from an ecosystem?
Prey populations might grow too big.
Give an example of a predator-prey relationship.
Lion and zebra, fox and rabbit, wolf and deer, etc.
What happens if too many animals compete for the same food?
Some might leave or die.
Name an animal that helps clean another animal.
A bird cleaning a crocodile's teeth, fish eating algae off a whale, a bird eating ticks off a giraffe, etc.
Can humans compete with animals for resources?
Yes! Humans take water, land and food that animals might also need. For example, we hunt fish that birds and other marine animals eat as well.