It is the path of energy as it flows from one living thing to the next.
What is a Food chain?
Shows the amount of energy left for consumers as the energy moves through a food web.
Energy Pyramid
An organism that makes its own food using energy from the sun
animals that hunt other animals for food
Nutrient Cycle
Describes how nutrients move from the physical environment into living organisms and are recycled back into the physical environment.
Several food chains connected together.
What is a Food Web?
The position that an organism has in a food chain.
Trophic Levels
An organism that gets energy by eating other organisms
Animals that are hunted.
Nitrogen Cycle
this describes how nitrogen moves between plants, animals, bacteria, the air, and soil in the ground.
A group of different living things that interact in an ecosystem
The first level in a food chain . The consumer who eats the producer
Primary Consumer
An organism that breaks down dead organisms
A particular way in which things affect one another.
Carbon Cycle
The path that carbon travels through an ecosystem to sustain life on Earth.
A group of one or more species living in a certain habitat.
The third level in a food chain. A consumer who eats the secondary consumer.
Tertiary Consumer
The living parts of an ecosystem.
The study of the relationship between plants, animals, and their environmentz.
The part that a plant or animal plays in an ecosystem.
The second level in a food chain. A consumer who eats the primary consumer.
Secondary Consumer
The non-living parts of an ecosystem.
The place in which a plant or animal lives.
A individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.