Name 4 aquatic ecosystems.
Lakes, ponds, oceans, and marshes.
Organisms that eat only plants and an example of it.
All food chains must begin with a...
Which land ecosystem is the most biodiverse, with four layers of plant life, and is hot and humid all year round?
Tropical Rainforest
Which ecosystem has brackish water and what does brackish mean?
Estuary, salt and fresh mix
Organisms that only eat meat and an example
An animal that hunts and eats other animals is called this.
How many types of forest ecosystems are there?
What is the difference between the wetlands and estuaries?
Wetlands: Salt or fresh
Estuaries: Brackish
Organisms that eat plants and animals and an example
If all the wolves in an ecosystem disappear, the population of their prey (such as deer) will likely do this.
A dolphin lives in what ecosystem?
This ecosystem has a dry season and a rainy season, lots of grasses, eagles, and bobcats.
Do ocean ecosystems contain freshwater or salt water?
Salt water
Organisms that produce their own food and an example
If all the bees in an ecosystem were to disappear, the population of flowering plants would likely do this.
Where does a whale live?
in the ocean
The type of forest that loses it's leaves in the Autumn.
Deciduous Forest
A place where fresh and saltwater meet in a coastal area.
If a disease wipes out most of the rabbits in a grassland, the population of foxes, which rely on rabbits for food, will likely do this.