Dinner in the Wild
Snack Attack
Climbing the Pyramid
Feed me, Seymore
Round and Round We Go

In a food web, this kind of organism makes it owns food using sunlight.

What is a producer or an autotroph?


This type of animal, such as a giraffe, relies entirely on vegetation for sustenance.

What are herbivores?


This level at the bottom of an energy pyramid is occupied by plants and algae.

What are producers?


This group of organisms uses photosynthesis to produce energy from sunlight.

What are autotrophs?


This cycle involves the movement of water through the atmosphere, oceans, and land.

What is the water cycle?


This term describes an animal that only eats plants.

What is an herbivore or a primary consumer?


Humans belong to this group of organisms that eat both plants and animals.

What are omnivores?

Only about this percentage of energy is passed from one trophic level to the next in an energy pyramid.

What is 10%?


A lion is an example of this type of organism that relies on others for food.

What is an heterotroph?


The process by which plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis is part of this cycle.

What is the carbon cycle?


This group of organisms eats dead or decaying matter to recycle the nutrients back into the ecosystem.

What are decomposers?


This type of organism helps clean up dead plants and animals by feeding on decaying material.

What are detrivores?


Organisms that only eat primary consumers are know as this.

What are secondary consumers?


This process autotrophs use to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

What is photosynthesis


This process, in which bacteria convert nitrogen gas into forms usable by plants, is a key part of the nitrogen cycle.

What is nitrogen fixation?


The flow of energy in a food web begins with this group of organisms.

What are producers or autotrophs?


Decomposers are great at this important task that helps new life grow.

What is recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem?


This term describes the total amount of living material available at each trophic level in an energy pyramid.

What is biomass?


This process, carried out by autotrophs such as plants and some bacteria, uses chemical energy instead of sunlight to produce food.

What is chemosynthesis?


In the carbon cycle, this process releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels.

What is combustion?


These are the names of both ways autotrophs gain their energy. (You must name BOTH for full points)

What are chemosynthesis and photosynthesis?


A coyote, which will eat both prey it hunts and carrion left by other predators, is both a carnivore and this type of opportunistic feeder.

What is a scavenger?


Based on the energy pyramid, apex predators (tertiary consumers), like wolves and sharks, get this amount of energy if the producers of an ecosystem created   2000 J of energy.

What is 2 J.


After a decomposer chemically breaks down dead and decaying matter it is food for this kind of organism.

What is a detrivore?


Ammonification turns ammonium into this compound which is toxic to plants and animals.

What are nitrites (NO2)?