What does gtg?
What is Got To Go?
What is the name of our mascot?
What is Testudo?
Where does the president live?
What is the White House?
Where is this bridge?
San Francisco, California
What does DMV stand for?
(Hint: Locations)
What is D.C. Maryland Virgina?
What does Piece of Cake mean?
What is "something easy"?
Who is the UMD president?
Who is President Pines?
What are the two colors on the D.C. flag?
What is red and white?
What is this building called?
The Capitol Building
Who was the first U.S. president?
Who is George Washington?
What does GOAT mean?
What is Greatest Of All Time?
What are the three dining halls?
What are:
The Yahentamitsi
251 (North Dining Hall)
South Dining Hall
What does D.C. stand for?
What is District of Columbia?
What is this called?
Mount Rushmore
What year are your hosts?
What is year 3 (Junior)?
What does "Your fit is fire" mean?
How many testudos are on campus?
How many D.C. metro lines are there?
What is 6?
(7 is also acceptable)
What is this area called?
What is the Walk of Fame?
How many stars and stripes are on the flag?
What are 50 stars and 13 stripes?
(If you get one you get half points)
How do you use the slang "fumble" in a sentence?
Judges will judge
What year was UMD established?
When is 1856?
Points given if you are in the 50s
What are the three branches of government?
What is this bell called?
What is the Liberty Bell?
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