was the high priest of israel, aided king david during the revolt of his son, he officiated at the anointing ceremony of solomon as king
a hebrew word for my master or my teacher
Moses Maimonides
known by the acronym rambam for rabbi moses ben maiman
Jews of Babylon
a large number of Judeans from the defeated Kingdom of Judah
When did the Romans conquer Judea?
63 BCE
he was a jewish scholar, founder of the house of shammai, passed 18 ordinances
compilation of the first 5 books in the hebrew bible
a follower of the religion of Islam.
What is holy land?
an area roughly located between the Mediterranean Sea and the eastern bank of the Jordan River
He was a jewish religious leader and helped with the development of Mishnah. He was around during the end of the first century BCE and beginning of CE. He was a Rabbi who was a spiritual leader. Hillel taught Jesus to unite the whole human race in our Eternal Father's great, All-One-God-Faith.
Monastic nature
connection with monks or monasteries
The capital of Iraq
What is the Muslim Berber dynasty
a newly emerged Islamic power in North Africa.
Mosaic law
the laws given by god to the Israelite through Moses
Islamic Culture
intense religious observance based on faithfulness to Allah and the teachings of Muhammad.
True or False:
The Medieval Period brought other persecution to the Jewish people.
Dead Sea Scrolls
a series of mostly partial manuscripts containing both biblical and non biblical material discovered in 1947 by a Bedouin boy in caves near the dead sea
Medieval Period
a period in European history lasting from the 5th century to the 15th.
True or false:
The Jews moved their capital from Damascus to Baghdad.
False, it was the Muslims, not Jews