Krashen's Monitor Model
Functions of Language
Schumann's social distance
Bilingual Ed. Programs
Misc. Topics

Language is acquired in a natural order for anyone learning the language.

What is the Natural Order Hypothesis?


When we use language describe something or call it by its name or title.

What is referential function?


The smaller a language learning group = better learning situation, and the larger the group = worse learning situation.

What is size?


A subtractive language learning program that involves bringing students into an ESL support class, separate from native speaking peers.

What is ESL pullout?


A language acquisition theory that claims that language learning depends on several sociocultural factors grouped as social distance and psychological distance.

What is Schumann's acculturation model?


We acquire a language subconsciously with exposure in social situations, and learn a language consciously by studying it.

What is the Acquisition/Learning Hypothesis?


When we use language differently in varying social settings.

What is integrative function?


When a learner has a positive mindset of a language and culture the learning situation is greater.  If a learner has a negative mindset of a language and culture the learning situation is poorer.

What is attitude?


A subtractive program that does not include any support instruction.

What is English immersion?


A term that describes the process of using two languages in everyday use, or switching back and forth between two languages.  An example of this is code switching.

What is translanguaging?


In order to learn a language we must receive messages (oral or written) that is slightly above our current level of understanding.

What is the Input Hypothesis?


When we use language to indicate our feelings on a topic, or explain deeper thoughts.

What is expressive function?


The more similar two cultures are, the better the learning situation.  The more dissimilar the two cultures are, the poorer the learning situation.

What is cultural congruence?


An Additive program that involves instruction in two alternating languages.

What is Bilingual Dual-Education?


A proposed term by Garcia and colleagues to refer to students that are learning a second language.  This term reflects the additive mindset of bilingual education, and acknowledges a students primary language and their work towards learning a second language.

What is emergent bilinguals?


Prevents the learning of a language if the learner's mental processes are "clogged."

What is the Affective Filter Hypothesis?


The more self-sufficient a learner group is, the less social interaction between groups.  This then creates greater social distance.

What is enclosure?


An additive program that involves instruction in a secondary language early, then as students age, their primary language is reintroduced into instruction.

What is enriched immersion?


A type of mediation that involves a teacher asking questions, making suggestions, using visual aides, etc. to help the student learn.

What is scaffolding?


Acquisition and learning of a language are two separate processes, both of which are needed to master a language.

What is the Monitor Hypothesis?


The more often a learner group interacts with another culture, the more likely the learner group is to acquire another language.  If the learner group interacts less frequently with the target language, they are less likely to acquire the language.

What is integration pattern?


A subtractive program that involves instruction in student's primary language for 2-3 years, and then are instructed in only in the secondary language.

What is early exit or transitional bilingual education?


A theory that describes how we learn.  In order to learn something new, the instruction must fit above our foundation of what we know, and within mental reach to conquer.  For example, if something is too simple we may be bored and not learn from this.  However, if it is too difficult, we may become stressed and will not learn either.

What is the zone of proximal development?