Job Expectations
Supervisor Communication

What does "dependability" mean?

Your employer can count on you to show up to work for every shift. You complete all tasks that are expected of you.


Why is it important to be respectful to your supervisor?

Showing respect is kind and promotes teamwork in the workplace. Respect shows that you value someone. Your supervisor is the person who gives you direction at your job. They also give you feedback (positive or negative). It is important to value this person, as they have a great impact on your work life. 


What is a coworker?

Someone who works with you (at the same level as you)


What does self-advocacy mean?

-speaking up for yourself and making sure that your needs are met.

-the action of representing oneself or one's views or interests.

-telling people what you need and being able to make sure they help you get it.


What does "punctuality" mean?

Your employer can count on you to show up to work on time, or even early.


What is an example of good body language?

- Eye contact

- Standing or sitting up straight

- Relaxed arms (not crossing them)

- Friendly expression/smile


List three things that make someone a good coworker.

- Dependable/reliable

- Mutual respect

- Good work ethic

- Team player

- Good communication


What does it mean to disclose your disability? Give an example of when you might need to do this.

It means telling others that you have a disability. 

You might need to do this at work or in school to ensure that you have the accommodations or modifications that you need. 


What does it mean to be dressed professionally?

You are dressed in your work uniform (if you have one) or you are dressed in nice clothing - no jeans or sweatpants! 


What are the three main parts of an email?

Greeting, Body/Message, Closing/Signature


What is the last step of conflict resolution?

Discuss together how to resolve this for the future.


What is the difference between an accommodation and a modification?

accommodation - changes to the environment or circumstances to that a person can do the job successfully

modification - changes to expectations or job tasks


What might you need to do before leaving work?

- Tell your supervisor you are leaving.

- Tell your supervisor or coworker what you got done (or what you didn't)

- Clean up your area.

- Clock out.


If you are upset with your boss, what are at least two things you could do before communicating with them? 

- Take time to calm down.

- Plan out what you'd like to say.

- Ask someone for feedback about your plan.

- Consider their point of view. 

- Consider speaking to them face to face instead of writing an email.


Why should you use "I" statements instead of "you" statements when resolving conflict with a coworker?

The conversation becomes about you and how you're feeling as a result of their actions instead of becoming a "blame game" with the other person. 


What does ADA stand for?

Americans with Disabilities Act


What does professionalism mean? Give at least two examples.

it's a combination of knowledge, skills, abilities, and perception of others in the workplace. Some examples might include: appearance/dress, communication, job skills, etc.


Your supervisor asked you to stay late after work, but you were hoping to get home and watch Netflix. What do you do?

- Netflix is probably not as important as work. In order to go above and beyond for your supervisor, you decide to stay later. 

(If you had to get to class or had a big test to study for, your response might be different)


Your coworker walks up to you, visibly upset. They angrily rant about how you never do your fair share of the work. What do you do?

- Ask that they take some time to calm down, and that you'd be happy to schedule a time to talk this through afterward. 

- Listen respectfully

- Remember your "I" statements

- Make amends

- Discuss how you're going to avoid this conflict in the future


What does ADA say?

It says that it’s illegal for an employer not to give you what you need to do your job well.