Coping Skills
Name that Emotion
The Mind
What is a coping skill?
Something a person uses or does to calm down or control their emotions
What is a balanced meal?
A balanced meal includes all of the food groups: protein, dairy, fruit, vegetable, carbohydrate, and EFA
Sad or gloomy, very low in spirits
What is a thought distortion?
Simple ways that our mind convinces us of something that is not true. Example?
What are support systems and why are they important?
Support systems are the people and pets in our lives that provide support during difficult times (parents, friends, siblings, pets, therapists, coaches, etc). They are important because they can help us stay on track and remind us to use our coping skills.
Coping skills can be both positive and negative. TRUE/FALSE
What is an EFA? Examples...
Essential Fatty Acid. Examples include: butter, olive oil, nutella, peanut butter, salad dressing, cream cheese, sour cream, avocado, nuts, sweets, olives, coconut
Hopeful that things will turn out well, looking on the bright side
Changing my thoughts can ultimately change my mood and behaviors. TRUE/FALSE?
True. Why?
What are the negative consequences of anxiety/fear being associated with food?
Unhealthy weight loss Low self esteem Unstable mood Isolation from others Not engaging in family events Depression Anxiety Low heart rate
Name 3 positive coping skills
Deep breaths, counting to 10, exercising, drawing, talking to someone, etc.
What do carbohydrates do for your body?
Carbohydrates are used to make energy for your body Assists in your body's absorption of calcium May help lower cholesterol levels and regulate blood pressure Provides nutrients for the friendly bacteria in your intestinal track
Extreme worry or uneasiness of the mind; nervous or apprehensive about something uncertain in the future
My mind begins to think about the same fear or anxiety situation over and over do get myself out of this thought?
Distraction Coping skills Talk to someone Watch TV Do math problems in my head Go for a walk Play with a pet
Once I start feeling better, it is ok to stop using my coping skills? TRUE or FALSE?
FALSE - Coping skills help in many life situations. They not only help you with food, anxiety, and depression but they can help with regular life stress. If you stop using the skills, it may be hard to manage your emotions in life.
Is punching a wall considered a coping skill? If so, is it positive or negative?
Yes, negative. Why?
What does water do for our body?
Water is the basis for transport system in the body-blood urine, digestive fluids Thermal buffer- regulates our body temperature Detoxification- water helps the liver and kidneys flush out waste products
A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, of hostility
Describe the "Cognitive Triangle"
It is made up of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that create our belief system. These three elements compose how we manage a situation and is often based on past experiences.
Name something ED IOP has taught you
It has to have taught you at LEAST one thing...
Jessica gets mad because APU has no movies she likes. She curses at Mr. Gerald and stomps her feet. She then takes a walk. 10 minutes later, Jessica apologizes. What are the positive and negative coping skills here?
Positive - taking a walk Negative - cursing, stomping feet
What happens to us when we do not have enough food in our bodies?
Lack of concentration Unhealthy weight loss Depression Anxiety Slow heart beat Tired a lot Unbalanced emotions Lack of impulse control Headaches Sleep gets effected
Concerned about losing someones affection to another person; negative feeling towards one person who is perceived as a competitor
Use the cognitive triangle and describe a situation you have experienced with food....
EX: Situation: I was given dinner with a new food I have never tried on it. Thought: "This food is scary or gross!" Emotion: Fear, anxiety, anger, sadness Behavior: Not eating, losing weight, letting fear win, depressed mood
How do you know when you are well enough to leave ED IOP?
When my therapist says I am ready When I have met my weight goal When I can eat various foods When I use coping skills to get through my anxiety When my health is on track When I have worked on my self esteem