What are the colors of the rainbow in order?
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune
What is the biggest city in Michigan?
What is the biggest country in the world?
What animal has the biggest heart?
Blue Whale (size of a small car)
What months have 31 days?
January, March, May, July, August, October, December
The asteroid belt is between what two planets?
Mars and Jupiter
What is Michigan's capital city?
What country is famous for having desert pyramids?
There are three types of animals that have wings. Name two.
Birds, Bats, Bugs
Other than Ronald McDonald, who are some members of the McDonald's Mascot Crew? Name one.
Grimace, the Hamburglar, etc.
What happens during a solar eclipse?
The moon blocks the light from the sun.
Do more people live in the upper or lower penninsula?
What country is famous for being 'shaped like a boot'?
Do Jellyfish have brains?
I doubt it
What kind of metal are pennies made of (at least, they used to be)?
The sun is yellow, but some stars are different colors. Name two.
Red, Blue, White, Orange
How many great lakes touch Michigan?
What country is also an entire continent?
What is a difference between a moth and a butterfly?
Moths are furrier, Butterflies rest with their wings together
What order are the colors in on the Google logo?
Blue, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Red
What does 'lightyear' mean?
It is the distance that light travels in one year.
What is Michigan's state bird?
The robin
What are two of the three countries that make up the United Kingdom (British)?
England, Scotland, Wales, Iceland