Fruits & Veggies

People recovering from alcohol use disorder tend to crave what in sobriety?

A. Fatty foods

B. Salt

C. Sugar

D. All of the above

What is D. all of the above?

-Add a protein source to any of those choices to stabilize blood sugar and mood levels

-Research shows that decreased sugar intake also decreases alcohol cravings and reduces relapse potential


The total number of food groups seen on the MyPlate Diagram

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6

What is C. 5?

-Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Protein, and Dairy. 

-Make at least half of your grains whole

-different colored fruits and veggies

-lean proteins

-good daily discipline to follow for anybody, not just those in recovery.


Micronutrients are _______ and _______ that are essential nutrients for development, disease prevention, and wellbeing. 

A. Enzymes and Chemicals 

B. Vitamins and Minerals 

C. Antioxidants and Proteins 

D. Specific Foods and Supplements

What is... B. Vitamins and Minerals 

-Needed in small amounts but are still important for different bodily functions. Each serve a different purpose. 

-Mostly come from the food you eat as they are not produced in your body (vitamin D is the only exception)


True or False:

Fresh produce is healthier than frozen produce

What is...


Both fresh and frozen produce are nutritionally equivalent. Frozen is often a more convenient and affordable option because of food waste prevention and out of season fresh fruits/vegetables. 


True or False

Meats & Dairy products are the only sources of protein in our foods 


Beans, soy, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and other legumes are all plant based protein sources 


According to the American Heart Association, average American adults consume ___ teaspoons of sugar every day.

A. 60

B. 42

C. 17

D. 5

What is C. 17 teaspoons = 68 gm

Around 60 pounds of added sugar per year

Recommended limits for added sugar

  • Men <9 teaspoons (36g)

  • Women <6 teaspoons (25g)

12-ounce can of soda contains 8 teaspoons (32 grams) of added sugar!

Nutrition Facts label lists the amount of sugar. Ingredients help to see if it is added or naturally present. 


Information found on a food package that details its nutrition content is known as the ___   ___ label.

What is a...... Nutrition Facts label? 


The best source of Vitamin C 

A. Orange

B. Sweet Red Pepper

C. Strawberry

D. Cantaloupe

What is B. Red Pepper?

A 1/2 cup serving of a Red Sweet Pepper contains 95mg per serving (that's 106% of your DV)

Oranges: 70mg in 1 medium orange (78% DV)

Strawberries: 49mg per 1/2 cup (54% DV)

Cantaloupe: 29mg per 1/2 cup (32% DV)

-70% of opioid and stimulant users are deficient in vitamin C (this also includes tobacco users)


-needed for iron absorption


Name the percentage of your plate that should be filled with fruits and vegetables

What is 50%

-essential to a well-balanced diet

-No single fruit or vegetable provides all of the nutrients you need to be healthy. It's all about variety!!

-USDA and CDC Recommendations: 1.5-2 cups per day of fruit and 2-3 cups per day of veggies 


Yes or No: You should wash or rinse raw meat or poultry before you cook it

What is no

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that washing meat, chicken, turkey, or eggs can cause bacteria found on the surface to spread to the sink, ready-to-eat foods, kitchen utensils, and counter surfaces. This is called cross-contamination. Cooking to the right temperature kills off the bacteria. 

Source: CDC's How to Prevent Food Poisoning "10 Dangerous Food Safety Mistakes"


Which of the following is an example of a complex carbohydrate food?

A. White bread

B. White potato (whole)

C. Sweet potato (whole)

D. White Rice 

E. B and C

What is ...

E. White Potato and Sweet Potato

Although these other food choices (white bread, white rice) and "white" foods are normally known for being the simple carb foods we should avoid, white potatoes are the exception on this list and are considered a complex carb because they contain both starch and fiber. 


According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, generally healthy men and women need at least __ cups of water per day...

a. 6 for men, 9 for women 

b. 9 for men, 4 for women

c. 13 for men, 9 for women

d. 18 for men, 13 for women

What is...

C. 13 cups for men, 9 cups for women 

-Drinking water can prevent dehydration, constipation and kidney stones. -Lost though breathing, perspiration, urine and bowel movements

- Consider: infusing water with your favorite fruit, carrying a reusable water bottle, or trying sparkling waters/seltzer water


Calcium is a most often associated with healthy bones and teeth. It also supports nerve, muscle, and heart health. 

This food item is the best source of calcium

A. Milk

B. Kale

C. Yogurt 

D. A and C

E. Canned Sardines 

What is E. Canned Sardines?

-deficiency is common in those with substance use due to poor diet 

Non-Dairy Sources: dark leafy greens, broccoli, spinach, and kale. Canned sardines contain the bone which is rich in calcium and ultimately is the best source on this list. 


True or False: You should only eat raw vegetables because if you cook vegetables, all of the vitamins are cooked away.

What is false?

Cooked vegetables still contain vitamins, minerals and fiber and can very nutritious. Stick to techniques such as roasting and steaming instead of boiling. 


This feel-good chemical in our brain requires amino acids from an adequate amount of protein in our diet in order to create more of itself. 

A. Histamine

B. Dopamine

C. Epinephrine

D. Vasopressin

What is dopamine?

The low function of dopamine is made worse by continued poor eating habits (common in addiction) 

High protein diet = balance body’s dopamine levels.


The amount of fiber in grams that is recommended for women and men to consume daily

A. 38-48g

B. 25-38g

C. 15-30g

D. 10-15g

What is...

B. minimum 25g for women, 38g for men

-slows the rate that sugar is absorbed in bloodstream

-acts like a scrub brush and cleans your colon 

-regulates bowel movements 

-regulates hunger because it takes the body longer to break it down 


Suggestions for eating habits for sobriety include: 

a. Eat within an hour of waking up

b. Eat every 3-4 hours

c. Stay hydrated while limiting caffeinated beverages

d. Enjoy meals with friends

e. All of the above

f. None of the above

What is... e. All of the above

Goal is balanced intake from variety of foods throughout the day, helps to balance blood sugars, keeps hormones in check, decreases cravings.

  Hydration helps with better physical function, detoxification, increases energy. 


Fatty fish is a good source of: 

A. Omega 3's

B. Beta carotene 

C. Vitamin C

D. Hydrogenated oils

A. Omega 3's

-Can also be found in flax seeds, canola oil, eggs

-Improve mental health, brain functioning, heart health, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure 

Fun fact: Anchovies  are a great source of omega 3's (1,200mg/2oz serving)


Of the following, which is NOT considered to be a probiotic food:

A. Yogurt

B. Miso

C. Kimchi

D. Milk


What is D. Milk

-Alcohol & Substance use shifts the gut microbiome 

-Impacts our mood, emotions, behavior, anxiety disorders and depression.


The daily requirement for protein in recovery?

A. No limit

B. 50 Grams 

C. 50% of your calories 

D. None of those

What is D. None of those?

-Essential to good health and needs are increased in recovery

-Needs based on body weight 

-When stable in sobriety- 10% to 35% of your calories should come from protein

(If you'd like to know what your daily protein needs are, let me know)


Unlike other food components, this carbohydrate cannot be digested by your body but instead passes through...

Hint: it is NOT a specific type of food

What is..... Fiber?

Tip to increase fiber: look on the Nutrition Facts label and choose cereals with 20% or higher of the Daily Value (DV) for fiber.


The three types of macronutrients responsible for providing energy

What is carbohydrates, proteins, and fats?


Vitamins are broken down into two categories based on their solubility. 

What category do Vitamins A, D, E, and K  fall under?

What is Fat Soluble?

-Alcohol inhibits the body's ability to produce the enzymes needed to digest fat

-Fat soluble vitamins are much better absorbed into your bloodstream when eaten with a healthy fat



Which food group/s are beans and peas counted in? 

A. Veggie

B. Protein

C. Veggie & Protein

D. None of those 

C. Veggie & Protein 

-excellent sources of plant protein

-also provide other nutrients such as iron and zinc

-similar to meats, poultry, and fish when comparing nutrients

-beans, peas, and lentils are also considered part of the vegetable group 

-Can count as a veggie or a protein food


One gram of protein contains ____ amount of calories

A. 7 calories

B. 4 calories

C. 12 calories

D. 9 calories

What is B. 4 calories?

Carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram, protein provides 4 calories per gram, and fat provides 9 calories per gram. 

Calories from alcohol: 7 calories per gram