September Trivia

The number of Super Saturdays in a year.

What is 2.

The first one is scheduled for November 16, 2024 at BPMS!


The number of members that make up a SSC.

What is 10.

SSC shall ensure parity between school staff and parent/community (students for MS). 5 + 5 =10

Follow your by-laws


This September 1st holiday, observed in many countries, honors the labor movement and the contributions of workers.

What is Labor Day?

The SSC is the only parent decision-making group to collaborate on SPSA development. True or False.


The ELAC provides input on SPSA development and monitoring with regard to goals/actions for English Learners and EL progress.  


The number of LCAP goals.

What is 4


The test is used for GATE identification in BPSD.

What is the CogAT

GATE Testing happens in November.


All members of the SSC are voted by like groups with the exception of ___.

What is the Principal.

This is the only automatic member of the SSC.


This major historical event occurred on September 11, 2001, involving terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon

What are the September 11 attacks?


The acronym for ELAC stands for what.

What is the English Learner Advisory Committee.

Percentage of parents of English Learners must match (or exceed) the percentage of ELs (out of total student population) at your school. 


The acronym SPSA stands for what.

What is the School Plan for Student Achievement.


The acronym GATE stands for

What is Gifted and Talented Education


School sites should hold this meeting within the first 30 days of school.

What is the Title 1 parent meeting. 

Typicallly on Back to School Night, the Title 1 meeting should include sharing the Parent and Family Engagement Policy. Don't forget to have a sign in sheet and upload it into your SSC google folder as evidence in case of audit.


In Mexico, this day in September commemorates the start of the country's War of Independence.

What is Mexican Independence Day?


The ELAC has a responsibility to communicate the importance of school attendance. True or False.


The ELAC is responsible for assisting the school’s efforts to enhance communication regarding the importance of consistent school attendance.


The LCAP goal that states: Develop critical competencies in ELA, math, and language proficiency using evidence-based instruction tailored to increase cognitive engagement for all students while diminishing disparities among subgroups, such as multilingual and multicultural learners, low-income students, students with disabilities, and foster youth. 

What is goal 1.


The date of the GATE Parent Workshop.

What is Oct 1st.

GATE Parent Workshop will be held IN PERSON at BP PDC 5-6pm. 


The document that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve.

What is the School-Parent Compact.

The School Parent Compact should be evaluated and updated periodically. Best practice: annually.


The first publication of this famous fantasy novel by J.R.R. Tolkien occurred on September 21, 1937.

What is "The Hobbit"?


The Comprehensive Needs Assessment is a required responsibility of the SSC, not ELAC. True or False.


ELAC is also responsible for assisting in the development of the Comprehensive Needs Assessment!


The overall Performance Level Color was Orange in ELA. Which student subgroup was had the furthest distance from standards?

Who are Students with Disabilities.

Students with Disabilities: -120.2 points DFS

• Foster Youth: - 76.7 points DFS

• English Learners: -57.3 points Distance from Standards (DFS)

• Socioeconomically Disadvantaged: - 41.5 points DFS


The allocation per GATE student provided

What is $70 per GATE student.

The frequency of reviewing and updating the Parent and Family Engagement Policy with parent and family members.

What is yearly. 

"Conduct, with the meaningful involvement of parents and family members, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parent and family engagement policy in improving the academic quality of all schools served with Title I, Part A funds..."


September marks the beginning of this astronomical season in the Northern Hemisphere, starting with the autumnal equinox around September 22.

What is fall or autumn?


It is the job of the Principal to develop a plan for meeting the needs of English Learners. True or False.


The ELAC advises the principal and staff on the school’s plan for English Learners. 


Principals will have protected SPSA work time at which Instructional Team meeting?

When is October?