The number of signs on the zodiac
What is 12?
The person who plays a sport is called...
What is an athlete?
If i work Saturday Service with Sandy.
What is "Serve the Eagle Rock and other communities through the contributions of my labor?"
Short for lying, a lie, or trying to deceive
What is "cap"?
This is the first sign in the zodiac, represented by a Ram.
What is an Aries?
Two people hit a ball over a net using rackets.
What is Tennis?
If I plan to paint a mural for my legacy project where I design the art and paint it, I am practicing this commitment.
What is "Find nurture and develop the artist within?"
Overreacting, in a bad mood, or bitter.
What is Salty?
This famous Gemini likes to play peekaboo?
Who is Kendrick Lamar?
This is the most famous sport in the world.
What is soccer?
If I take an English class and earn communicating effectively credit, it would help me practice this commitment.
What is, "Learn how to communicate more effectively in speak and writing?"
It's very exciting, everybody is there, and/or it's excellent.
What is "lit'?
This sign is represented by an arrow.
What is a sagittarius?
This sport is played on a rectangular grass field, 360 feet in length and 160 feet wide. The ends of the fields are called end zones.
What is American Football?
If I do an independent study on a subject where I am researching something new and then writing/presenting what I learned I could earn this type of credit.
What is expanding knowledge base?
What is "ate"?
This type of sign represents the impression you give off to others.
What is a rising sign?
This sport is similar to baseball and is playing in India, Pakistan, Australia, and Great Brittian.
What is cricket?
If I read a book about working out, design a work out, and then go to the Dojo to do that work out and then meditate as a cool down? I would be practicing this commitment.
What is "Develop my mend through intellectual discipline, my body through physical fitness, and my spirit through thoughtful contemplation?"
This phrase is used to describe that something is working well, on the right track, or having the right vibes.
What is "it's giving"?