Operation to commit edits to the source dataset.
Feature construction tool to create adjoining polygons using existing polygons
What is the Autocomplete Polygon tool
Technique used to connect features with one another
What is snapping.
Item in the geodatabase used to store annotation features.
What is an annotation feature class.
Type of topology that can be turned on during Editing, without further setup.
What is map topology.
Dialog box in ArcGIS Pro to specify editing settings.
What is Editing options.
Creates features on one or more feature layers, following preconfigured rules.
What is a group template.
Feature Modification tool to resumes editing a polyline, polygon, or multipart feature.
What is Continue Feature.
Process to create annotation from labels.
What is Convert Labels to Annotation.
Topological editing tool that will snap edges together.
What is Align Edge tool.
Editable data sources (data formats) in ArcGIS Pro (name two)
What is
-Geodatabase feature classes
-editable web feature layers
Creates features in one or more layers in a fixed pattern.
What is a Preset Template.
Feature modification tool to construct a new line or polygon feature by combining geometries of two existing features.
What is Merge.
Interface used to modify annotation attributes.
What is the Attributes pane.
A collection of spatial rules that you can use to define relationships between features in a dataset.
What is Geodatabase topology.
Map Property that converts between different geographic coordinate systems to align feature layers.
What is Transformation.
Creates new features in a single layer, contains information about the target layer, the default construction tool, and default attributes.
What is a feature template
Interface to manually update attributes of a selected feature.
What is the Attributes pane.
Tool from the Modify features pane used to modify annotation geometry.
What is the Edit Annotation tool.
Interface in ArcGIS Pro used for finding and managing geodatabase errors.
What is the Error inspector.
Editable 3D data format
What is Multipatch features (or 3D Object feature class)
Used for creating features with straight-line segments and 90 degree angles, provides an extra set of constrains for creating new features.
What is the reference grid.
Geoprocessing tool used to update attributes for multiple selected features at once.
What is the Field Calculator.
Type of annotation that updates when the annotated feature is updated.
What is feature-linked annotation.
A violation of a topology rule that is not an actual error.
What is an exception.