Terminology Associated with CLD Students
Acculturation Phases
Legal PrecedentsImpacting ELLs
Language Acquisition
Effective ESL Services
What is culturally and linguistically diverse students?
Characterized by excitement, happily observing the environment, and optimism, this is the first stage in the acculturation process.
What is Excitement/Initial Enthusiasm? Honeymoon Stage?
In this supreme court case, the Supreme Court ruled that regardless of documentation and citizen status, all children deserve free public education.
What is Plyler v. Doe?
What is Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills?
A part of the No Child Left Behind Act that offers money to be spent specifically on ESL programs.
What is Title III?
What is long-term English language learners.
At this stage, ELLs actively participate in their mainstream culture. They either combine both cultures to live effectively in both or take on characteristics of the new culture. Students respond in both English and their native tongue.
What is Integration and Acceptance Stage?
In this supreme court case, the Supreme Court ruled that equal treatment means different/enhanced/modified approaches, materials, learning environments to meet the learner's needs. A teacher must also allow the first language to be used in education.
What is Lau v. Nichols?
What is Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency?
A service for basic vocabulary in which a student is taken out of a general education classroom to learn his or her L2 language?
What is pull-out?
What is teachers of English to speakers of other languages?
During this stage, ELLs realize that the differences between the two environments is large. They may have emotional resistance to a new language or new culture. They may show anger. They are sad over leaving all they have ever known.
What is Withdrawal or Rejection Stage? Culture Shock?
In this act, it is mandated that schools must provide plans and documentation of research based ESL services; schools are audited for compliance; and there must be an annual assessment of the ELs' language proficiency.
What is the No Child Left Behind act?
3 factors that affect the language learning process for an individual.
What is background experience and knowledge? first language literacy? years of schooling and interruptions in schooling? home culture and values? interpersonal style and personality? status of first language in context of majority language? attitude to majority toward minority culture and language? sense of safety?
A type of language support program in which instruction begins in a native language but is designed to move quickly into a target language.
What is transitional bilingual?
Dual Language Instruction; way-one and way-two
What is way-one: 1 language group schooled through 2 langauges? Way-two: two language groups schooled through two languages.
At this stage, ELLs start facing their new language and culture head-on. They actively seek ways to learn and live in both cultures. They are trying to find a balance between both.
What is Adjustment or Recovery Stage?
Progress, proficiency, pass.
What is AMAOs?
It may take a kid up to this many years to acquire BICS.
What is 3 years?
Vocabulary specifically addressed in a school subject.
What is Tier Three Vocabulary?
Affective Filter Hypothesis
What is a hypothesis that deals with a child's openness to learning based on levels of anxiety, motivation, self-confidence, and self-image. Must be lowered so kids are open to learning.
Ways to do THIS include: actively recalling good times in your life, being constructive in finding resources to use, practicing a hobby, being patient with the immigration process, actively engaging in learning the new language, volunteering and engaging in the new culture.
What is culture shock?
What influences AMAO percentages?
What is influx of immigrants? (School divisions react to the influx of immigrants who speak other languages and must strengthen their ESL services based on research supported effective programs and instructional practices.)
It may take a student this many years to acquire CALP.
What is 5-7 years?
This happens when a learner applies components of his or her primary language in order to ease the transition to the L2 language.
What is transfer?