Immigration and Policy
Coming and Going
Latino Identity
It's Not about the Money, Money, Money
Education in Consejos
Cubans make up the third largest Latino group in America behind which two Latino groups
What are Mexicans and Puerto Ricans?
A person who leaves the island and intends to stay in the United States for more than 3 months for a reason other than health, visiting family, or studying.
What is an emigrant?
Latina women tend to have their identities conflicted between these two things.
What are being Latina and being female?
Does Puerto Rican migration to and from the USA contribute to increasing poverty rates among Puerto Ricans in the USA? Explain.
What is no, not really?
These are principles that Latina women pass down to their children in hopes of them developing strong character.
What is consejos?
Many female Puerto Rican migrants list themselves as this when coming to the United States.
What is "housewife"?
Lower SES and male.
What are characteristics of recent emigrants of PR?
One of the ways that Latinos within the ethnic group differ (there is more than one answer).
What are language use, socioeconomic status, geographic distribution, political orientation, and racial identification?
What is one characteristic feature of Puerto Ricans in the U.S?
What better educated and higher SES?
This virtue in Latino culture upholds in the importance of having good character.
What is confianza?
Highly educated, older, and higher SES.
What is characteristics of return migrants to PR?
The number of wave cohorts of Cuban immigrants that the chapter mentioned.
What are 2?
Some object to the use of the term Hispanic because it ignores these aspects of Latinos' historical roots.
What is Afro and Indo descent?
First generation Cubans are less likely to support the selling of these to Cuba.
What are food and drugs?
The term in Spanish for having good character.
What is ser buen educado?
Fluctuations in net migration from PR to the USA continue to be largely determined by this.
What are the economy and job prospects?
During this wave, return migration to Puerto Rico outpaced emigration to the United States.
What is the second wave?
Second generation Cuban immigrants are also known by this name.
What is the 1.5 generation?
These SES classes were the first to leave Cuba and the first to feel the effects of a repressive regime.
What are the upper and middle classes?
This county in Miami is only county in the country with an ordinance preventing bilingual education.
What is Dade County?
This policy states if you arrived by water, you were returned to Cuba. If you arrived and made it to land, you were able to stay.
What is “wet foot/dry foot” policy?
What is positive selectivity as mentioned in this chapter?
What is what you consider to be right?
In the article by Ferdman and Gallego, stated that this tenant of and individuals identity was not as important to Latinos as race.
What is culture?
In regards to exile ideology and choosing political candidates, this is the one issue where the hard line ideology dominates
What is an embargo against Cuba?
The incident with a rude women in a grocery store gave one of the Mexicana mothers a chance to teach her daughter about the importance of this consejo.
What is respeto?