Career Opportunities
Professional Image
Life Skills

Who were the first to cultivate beauty in an extravagant fashion?

Who are the egyptians


Why should you always seek continued education on new services?

What is to keep up with trends


What is the daily maintenance of cleanliness by practicing good healthful habits?

What is personal hygiene?


What is it called when you imagine yourself working in your dream salon, competently handling clients, and feeling at ease and happy with your situation?

What is visualization 


The act of successfully sharing information between two people so that the information is successfully understood

What is effective communication?


Who made lavish use of perfumes and cosmetics in their religious rites, in grooming, and for medicinal purposes?

Who are the Greeks?


What type of services does a full-service salon offer?

What is hair, skin and nail services


This involves your posture, as well as the way you walk and move

What is physical presentation?


Every successful business has a business plan, what is an essential part of that business plan that establishes values the institution lives by as well as target goals?

What is a mission statement


When a client is late, typically they are given a grace period of ____ minutes 

What is 15


In this century, the invention of motion pictures coincided with an abrupt shift in American attitudes

what is the Twentieth Century?


If your goal is to manage or own a salon what type of degree would be your quickest path to success?

Why is a business degree 


This is the impression you project through both your outward appearance and your conduct in the workplace

What is professional image?


What are the moral principles by which we live and work?

What are ethics


The verbal communication with a client that determines the client's needs and how to achieve the desired results

What is a client consultation? 


The reign of Queen Victoria of England, between 1837 and 1901 was known as what?

What is the Victorian Age?


Distributor sales consultants provide information on new _____, new _______, and new ________

what are products, trends, and techniques 


This can put a great deal of stress on your neck, shoulders, back, and legs

What is sitting improperly?


The ability to deliver truthful, even sometimes critical or difficult, messages in a kind way is called ____.

What is Diplomacy


When handling a scheduling mixup what should you never do?

What is arguing over who is right or wrong?


This is the period in history during which Western civilization made the medieval to modern history 

What is the Renaissance?


What should you follow when performing a color service for a product manufacturer?

What are the company's guidelines and product procedures 


The science of designing the workplace as well as its equipment and tools to make specific body movements more comfortable, efficient, and safe

What is ergonomics?


What is it called when you order tasks from most important to least important?

What is prioritizing?


Listening to the client and then repeating, in your own words, what you think the client is telling you

What is reflective listening?