Operating Systems & Identifying Vulnerabilities
Utility Software & Programming Languages
Internet & Protocols
(lose double)
Network Security & Topologies
Hodge Podge

This management in operating systems involves organizing files on storage drives, ensuring they can be retrieved and saved without issues.

What is file management?


This type of utility software reorganizes files on a disk to improve access speed.

What is defragmentation software?


This type of protocol is used to transfer web pages from servers to browsers.

What is HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)?


This type of network topology features all devices connected to a central hub.

What is a star topology?


This video game, released in 2011, has become the best-selling game of all time with over 200 million copies sold.

What is Minecraft?


This process ensures that the data entered into a system is reasonable and conforms to a set of rules.

What is data validation?


High-level programming languages need to be translated into machine code using these two types of software.

What are a compiler and an interpreter?


This system translates domain names like google.com into IP addresses.

What is DNS (Domain Name System)?


This security measure involves testing a network for vulnerabilities by simulating an attack.

What is penetration testing?


This operating system, first released in 1985, has become one of the most widely used software platforms in the world.

What is Windows?


These are signals sent to the CPU by external devices to indicate an event that needs immediate attention.

What are interrupts?


This type of software is used to protect a computer from malicious software like viruses and spyware.

What is anti-malware software?


This protocol is used for securely transferring web pages.

What is HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)?


This device is used to filter incoming and outgoing network traffic based on security rules.

What is a firewall?


This number of hours of video content is uploaded to YouTube every minute. (Can be within 25 hours.)

What is 500 hours?


This method of checking data involves entering it twice to ensure it has been typed correctly.

What is double-entry verification?


Assembly language is an example of this type of programming language.

What is a low-level programming language?


This protocol is used for transferring files between a client and a server on a network.

What is FTP (File Transfer Protocol)?


In this network topology, all devices are connected to a single central cable.

What is a bus topology?


This percentage of global internet traffic comes from mobile devices. (Can be within 5%)

What is approximately 55%?


This program controls peripheral devices such as printers and displays.

What is a device driver?


This utility software creates a copy of data that can be restored in case of data loss.

What is backup software?


This layer of the TCP/IP model is responsible for routing packets across the network.

What is the Internet layer?


This type of hacker tests network security with permission to identify and fix vulnerabilities.

What is an ethical hacker?


As of 2022, this many emails are sent and received each day globally.  (Can be within 10 billion.)

What is over 300 billion emails?