Bonus Questions
Bloc Questions
Field Experience

The process of observing a sample of a student's behavior and drawing inferences about the student's knowledge and abilites. (All us future teacher will use this in someway)

What is assessment?


What is modeling?

It is important to model learning and provide an environment 


What is schema?

organized framework for understanding


What is 241's goal?

The goal for 241 is to understand what matters and the relationship alongside alternative teaching strategies as well as teaching and learning through the application of psychology to lessons in the classroom.


Who said "I saw a majority of what the sizers wrote in the classroom. I learned how to be a model for students and to treat them as individuals and not just a 'classroom full of students.' It is important to be prepared for class as bluffing can cause for an unproductive learning experience. I saw my field teacher as a wonderful model to her students who truly cared about each of their individual growth. I also saw my teacher use positive reinforcement as a motivator for her students to to stay on task."



Name three kinds of assessment. (Can you explain one)

What is informal assesment, formal paper-pencile assessment, and formal performance assessment?


What does sorting look like? 

Students are sorted based on their level of academic achievement. Higher achieving students may be placed in Honors or AP courses. Integration goes along with the topic of sorting and is seen as controversial. Students who are higher achieving may be held back and students who need more time to process the information may be pushed too hard.


What is the difference between positive and negative/removal punishment? 

Positive punishment- add a negative (because you did not blank I will add blank)

Removal Punishment- take away something you do like (you did not do well so I am taking your phone away)


What is 211's goal? 

 The goal is to provide knowledge on how educators can make learning engaging. Students should be treated as individual learners and not just students in a classroom. 211 also provided knowledge on how schools are funded and how the community plays a role in schools.


Who said" During my field experience I was able to engage with K-2 students in Emotional Support. Emotional Support is a part of the Special Education department that specializes in social skills lessons, social emotional learning, coping strategies and building healthy peer relationships. I observed that educational implications is needed when working with children with emotional needs, which should be implemented when educating all elementary level children"



In what grade level would a teacher explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technict text, including what happened and why?

What is fourth grade.


How do we avoid bluffing from the perspective of teachers and students? 

It is easy to fall into the trap of coming to class unprepared. Teachers can avoid this by always having an engaging activity whether it be hands on or discussion based. Teachers can teach the lesson, dismiss students for an activity where they can retrieve information, and discuss after for a summary. Working in groups and joining in on activities does not make it as easy for unprepared students to go unnoticed in the classroom.


What is the difference between positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement?

Positive reinforcement- add positive to strengthen behavior

Negative reinforcement- take away something you do not like


How do you understand the difference between knowing your subject and knowing how to teach your subject in light of the content examined in the curriculum of 211 and 241?

I will take the metacognition diagram and use it to teach many different subjects. In order to have a successful lesson I need to make sure I hit each of the three categories of attention, perception, and practice.


Who said "After completing 241, I learned that there's more than one way to manage your classroom. You do not need to give prizes/rewards to have a well behaved class. I saw my field teacher use the metacognition model, and observed many forms of reinforcement being used. I also noticed the ABC (autonomy, belongingness, competence) throughout the week. This experience and the class intertwined because I could see real life examples of the lessons I learned in the classroom."



The specific things people mentally do as they try to interpret and remember what they see, hear, and study.

What is cognitive processes.


Fill in the blank: "I begin with ____ ______ because I have come to understand that educators seem to struggle most to understand the role and relevance of race in teaching and learning."

color blindness


Name the 4 teaching styles

What is traditional/conservative/neo-conservative, liberal/essentialist, progressive, critical


How do you understand commitment to students and their learning?

You show a commitment/passion to learning by being the best teacher you can be. Taking extra development courses, listening and advocating for your students needs, understanding cultures, and find the best way each student can learn in your classroom


Who said "One of the main things I noticed while in the field was the modeling that the teacher was doing. This teacher always had a pretty happy attitude, especially around the students. She demonstrated exactly what she wanted and even stated that you need to make the environment you want because that is what you will get in return. The teacher also made everyone feel like they belonged there which relates back to the ABC (autonomy, belongingness, competence). She would talk to each student about their day, situations, etc. One of the things that stuck out most and made me think the most was if there is sorting happening or segregation. Being in an autistic support room, these students move with each other from elementary to high school, going about everything together during the school day."



Relating to personal and social development what are the "BIG FIVE" personality traits.

What is OCEAN:

Openness                       Agreeableness

Conscientiousnesn           Neruoticism



What is the name of the teacher who had to "look at himself and his own life experiences to examine his classroom practices in order to address broader issues related to opportunity"? This teacher also had to realize that "he could not teach science until he understood and acknowledged to whom he was teaching science as well as the social context in which he was teaching it."

Mr. Hall (White Male Teacher, Diverse Urban School)


Who is Keith Robinson’s “Changing Education Paradigms”


What did Hanich say on our first day of class? 

"Teachers and learners are hard to tell apart" 


Tell us about your field experiences

open ended