What was Thom Jackson's title before purchasing EdisonLearning?
General Counsel
EdisonLearning was founded by this individual.
Chris Whittle
This person believes in him- or herself; knows that hard work and good intentions can make a difference; looks to the future with positive expectations and a plan for realizing those expectations.
The new name of the new eCourses is called.
Each of the Florida schools are given a school improvement rating. What is the highest rating possible?
Thom Jackson's birthday is on this famous day, that is not a national holiday.
Valentine's Day
This was the first name of EdisonLearning.
The Edison Project
This person makes good choices; waits for negative emotions, like anger, fear, or resentment, to pass before taking action; considers the concerns of others, as well as his or her own.
This organization is the largest provider of EdisonLearning's eCourses.
The Florida schools were previously owned by what management company.
Mavericks in Education
Thom Jackson lived in what state prior to moving to Florida.
New Jersey
In this year, the company was renamed EdisonLearning.
This person keeps his or her word; takes care of work, projects, or duties assigned to or voluntarily accepted by him or her; accepts his or her failures or mistakes without excuses or finger pointing and with a willingness to correct his or her behavior; completes neglected tasks; or provides appropriate restitution.
In this year, EdisonLearning incorporated career and technical courses to its virtual offerings.
The Florida schools have seven school leaders referred to as what official title.
Principal Academic Officer
Thom Jackson has to have this morning beverage before work. He loves it so much that he purchased his own kitchen appliance just to have it in the office.
In this year, EdisonLearning expanded operations to the United Kingdom.
This core value is recognized when enrollment numbers are low and sales are down, yet the leader forges onward and upward to make the difference.
With the continuing demand of students being serviced by teachers in the Pittsburgh office, how many classrooms have been added to support the students.
The Florida schools were acquired by EdisonLearning in this year.
What is one of Thom Jackson's favorite past time when he is not working during the 25th hour of the day and on the 8th day of the week and the 13 month of the year.
Smoking his favorite cigar
EdisonLearning's dropout recovery program is commonly known as.
This person is kind to others; polite and gracious in social situations; demonstrates not just tolerance for others but true regard for people of all faiths, cultures, and backgrounds; honors the achievements and qualities of others.
This name was EdisonLearning's first all virtual high school.
Provost Academy, South Carolina
Florida schools are located in Palm Beach, Osceola, Broward, Pinellas, and _____ Counties.