Sentence Structure
Editing Basics
What Change Needs to be Made?
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Find the change that needs to be made: 

Crum was certain this would infurriate and disgust the complainer.

What is change "infurriate" to "infuriate" 


Two sentences joined together with just a comma. 

What is comma splice? 


An incomplete sentence 

What is a fragment? 


This type of punctuation combines two complete sentences. (not a fanboy) 

What is a semicolon?


Find the change that needs to be made: 

Whatever the case may be, I know for myself that certain smells today always take me back to times that were inocent.

What is change "inocent" to "innocent"? 


Find the change that needs to be made: 

In 1853, a chef in Saratoga, New York, invented Potato Chips in a fit of anger.

What is change "Potato Chips" to "potato chips"


Find the change that needs to be made: 

The invention of the potato chips in the 20th century helped pave the road to the variety and obsesions we have with it today.

What is change "obsesions" to "obsessions?" 


Find the change that needs to be made: 

Elena went to her parents for advise on how to solve a difficult problem with a friend.

What is change "advise" to "advice"? 


Find the change that needs to be made: 

Simone Biles, a U.S.A. Olympic gymnast has recently spoken up about mental health in her field of work. 

What is add a comma after gymnast? 


This type of sentence is two simple sentences joined by a comma and a fanboys.

What is a compound sentence? 


Two sentences joined together with no punctuation.

What is a run-on? 


Find the change that needs to be made: 

According to a report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: there are 1,900 edible insect species on Earth.

What is change the colon to a comma? 

Find the change that needs to be made: 

Since many Americans are not accustomed to eating insects many are hesitant to try it. 

What is add a comma after insects? 


This type of sentence contains a dependent clause that begins with a swabi and an independent clause.

What is a complex sentence? 


Find the change that needs to be made: 

"Do I have a chance?" I asked my mom. She replied, Maybe. If you work really hard, you might win!" 

What is add quotation marks before Maybe? 


Find the change that needs to be made: 

The chef, George Crum furious that someone would dare complain about his food, sliced potatoes very thinly and dumped them in hot oil.

What is add a comma after George Crum?


Find the change that needs to be made: 

The Hazletts wanted there parents to go to the movies with them.

What is change "there" to "their"?


Find the change that needs to be made: 

My uncle, whose very adventurous, brought some roasted grasshoppers from Mexico for me to try. 

What is change "whose" to "who's"? 


Find the change that needs to be made: 

Suddenly being transported back to childhood as a memory plays in my mind like a movie. 

What is add a subject to the sentence? "Suddenly I am being...."


Find the change that needs to be made: 

A tornado hit last night, but we made it out safe.

What is change "safe" to "safely"? 


Find the change that needs to be made: 

The airtight bag kept the chips fresh, grocers could then market the products as a self-serve item. 

What is change the comma to a semicolon OR add a fanboys after the comma? 


Find the change that needs to be made: 

I ran into my classroom and shouted, "Help! Ms. Jones needs our help! 

What is add quotation marks to the end of the sentence? 


Find the change that needs to be made: 

It is hard to make a mental shift for eating insects; however, it is not impossible because most food preferences are simple a state of mind.

What is change "simple" to "simply"?


Find the change that needs to be made: 

The brain is wired in such a way that the sense of smell is processed near the centers' of emotion and memory. 

What is remove the apostrophe from centers? 


Find the change that needs to be made: 

After playing for hours, we would all traipse down to the local corner store to buy a beverage, and they was so cold that our teeth hurt. 

What is change "they" to "it"?