Reasons for Multicultural Education
Five Phase Approach
Authenticating a Book
This and That
Commonalities among people cannot be recognized unless
What is differences are recognized?
In this phase a broad introduction to the ancient myths, legends, and folktales are covered
What is Phase One?
Sources such as the National Geographic are good for
What is authenticating geographical settings?
Contemporary literature including realistic fiction, poetry, biography, and autobiography are covered in this phase of the Five Phase Approach
What is Phase Five?
A society that interweaves the best of all of its cultures reflects
What is a truly mosaic image?
During this phase there is a study of nonfiction selections such as biographies, autobiographies, and informational literature of one group of people or cultures.
What is Phase Three?
The _______ and _______ of the people in a multicultural book are important in determining authenticity
What are values and beliefs?
This enhances the self-concepts of all students because it provides a more balanced view of U.S. society
What is multicultural education?
Multicultural education can restore cultural rights by emphasizing
What is cultural equality and respect?
Phase 4 is a study of historical fiction selections based on
What are characters from the specific culture or on interactions between the people and another cultural group?
These two factors need to be considered regarding the events of the story and its authenticity
What are the time period and the culture?
The overall message that emerges from our analysis is that what teachers ____ and _____ in class does matter…they carry a great moral weight.
What is do and say?
Students can learn these while learning to respect cultures
What are basic skills?
This phase narrows down the study of ancient myths, legends, and folktales from one specific area
What is Phase Two?
A story is authentic if the ________ _________ are found in other literature written about the time period or the people
What are the major themes?
Lewis and Doorlag stated that students must learn to do this as a reason for developing multicultural literature
What is respect others?