Identity Development
Risk Taking
Peer Relationships
Social Development

This theorist differed from Freud’s theory of psychosexual development by focusing on social influences and positing that development continues throughout a lifespan.

 Who is Erik Erikson?


In the following clip, Jessi’s main motivation in engaging in an unhealthy risk taking behavior is  _________.

What is “sensation seeking” (Duell and Steinberg, 2019).


The sociological theory developed by Lev Vygotsky that collaboration and social interactions foster better learning environments.

What is Social Constructivism?


This theorist was inspired to create his theory on Social Development based on his Bobo Doll experiments in 1961 

Who is Albert Bandura?


This theorist focused on the impact of social development on learning and the inextricable link between the two.

Who is Vygotsky?


In a dual-cycle identity model, adolescents use identity formation to explore an identity and this other cycle to strengthen that identity.

What is Identity Maintenance?


This psychological theory states that teenagers face the crisis of "identity vs. role confusion," often leading to risk-taking as they explore their identities.

What are Erik Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development?


In this clip from A Christmas Story, Flick is egged on by his peers to lick the frozen flag pole. This social factor most prevalent in adolescence explains why he did it. 

What is Peer Pressure?


In this clip; Riley is struggling to choose between her best friends or the popular girls. This social factor contributes to Riley’s decision to choose the latter.

What is desire for social acceptance?


This theorist posited that some thinking is intuitive (based on subjective judgement) and some is analytical (based on evidence/abstraction)

Who is Piaget?


In James Marcia’s stages of Identity Status, this stage represents when an adolescent has made a commitment to an identity without exploring other options.

What is Identity Foreclosure?


Paris asking Bennet to prom is an example of _________ as it promotes confidence, social skills, and resilience in the face of potential love and social rejection.

A: Healthy risk taking


According to Albert Bandura, this key factor of learning engagement is “An Individual Belief in One’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required in producing given attainments.

What is Self-Efficacy?


In The Sandlot, Scotty is pressured to get Babe Ruth’s baseball from Mr. Myrtle’s house by his peers. This aspect of peer relationships allows the group to work together to get the ball back.

What is shared interests?


In 1978, this theorist posited that “Every function in the child’s cultural development appears twice: first, on the social level and, later on, on the individual level; first, between people (interpsychological) and then inside the child (intrapsychological).”

Who is Vygotsky?