Chapters 1-3
Chapters 4-6
Chapters 7-9
Chapters 10-12
Chapters 13-14

Physical development, cognitive development, and social-emotional development are considered to be __________.

what is domains of development 


The knowledge that women have two X chromosomes and therefore the eggs they produce can only contain an X chromosome in the 23rd position, and men have an X and a Y chromosome resulting in the sperm they produce containing either an X or a Y chromosome in this position came from __________.

what is molecular genetics 


Carter is an infant that enjoys laying on his activity mat and pushing the buttons on a toy that then lights up and plays music. Carter is occupied for a long time activating the toy. Piaget would say that Carter is demonstrating __________.

what is a secondary circular reaction 


The cultural norms for when, how, and to whom emotions should, or shouldn’t be shown are known as:

what is emotional display rules 


Only children share many of the advantages that __________ children enjoy.

what is firstborn


A researcher designs a study to find out whether violent individuals who play violent video games choose to play violent video games because that is a characteristic of their personality or have become violent because of the video games. The theme in the field of child development that fits best is:

what is nature vs nurture 


All human beings share __________ of their genome.

what is 99.5%


The ability to understand conservation occurs in the __________ stage.

what is concrete operations 

Which of the following emotions is not considered to be one of the universal emotions?

what is guilt 


Children are more likely to show empathy, engage in more prosocial behavior, and show sympathy toward others when their parents:

what is use inductive discipline 


In psychoanalytic theory, the id operates on the:

what is pleasure principle 


The development of the organ systems is completed in the __________.

what is fetal stage 


Which type of intelligence is linked with activity in the prefrontal cortex in the brain?

what is fluid intelligence 


Marisol is planning to become a pediatrician. For as long as she can remember that is what everyone in her family has expected because all of them work in medical careers. James Marcia would describe Marisol as being in the status of __________.

what is foreclosure 


The children who do most poorly in terms of their outcomes are those raised by:

what is neglectful parents


When students are paid for good test scores, regular attendance, and not fighting with other students, we are applying the principles of __________ to modify their behavior.

what is operant conditioning  

What percentage of miscarriages are caused by chromosomal abnormalities?

what is 50-80%


What does the intelligence quotient represent?

what is a child's general level of intelligence 


How old are children when they have the cognitive capacity to begin to form a coherent racial and ethnic identity?

what is middle childhood


American children are more likely to choose their own activities, and the one area they choose more than children in most other cultures is:

what is sports 


A prediction about what children will think, feel, and do in certain situations is called a __________.

what is hypothesis


Which area of the brain becomes myelinated first?

what is lower centers in the brain


Roger received a brain injury that resulted in his inability to speak clearly. He tends to use one word answers whenever possible because he has such a difficult time speaking. Roger received damage to:

what is Broca's area 


The ability to understand self and others as agents who act on the basis of their mental states is known as __________.

what is mindblindness 


Which of the following is the most popular outdoor activities that adolescents engage in?

what is biking and running