Chapters 3 &4
Chapters 5, 6, 12
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
This is your own awareness and understanding of your thinking process and your ability to regulate and direct these processes.
What is metacognition?
These words show the relationships of ideas within sentences and between paragraphs.
What is transitions or signal words?
This a subtle suggestion expressed without direct statement. Also known as "reading between the lines."
What is an inference?
This means the same thing as point of view but it has a negative connotation to it.
What is bias?
This is deliberating in a purposeful, organized manner to assess the value of information or argument.
What is critical thinking?
These readers lack awareness of how they think when reading.
What is a tacit reader?
"However", "but", and "on the contrary" show this.
What is contrast?
This is a type of euphemism used to hide ideas in politics or social interaction. Collateral Damage and Sanitation Engineer are examples.
What is politically correct language?
An author always has this in mind when he or she puts words on paper.
What is purpose?
This barrier to critical thinking means "we refuse to look at the merits of something our belief system rejects.
What is frame of reference?
This is the study system developed by Francis Robinson to help students read and learn from text books?
What is SQ3R?
This is a method of emphasizing main ideas, major details, and key terms. It means "to add marks".
What is annotating?
This is a type of figurative language. It is a comparison between two unlike things without using like or as.
What is a metaphor?
This is a statement based on actual evidence or personal observation. It can be proved true.
What is a fact?
This barrier to critical thinking means "we tend to evaluate someone or something as good or bad, right or wrong and remain fixed in this thinking"
What is hasty moral judgment?
What is the first stage of reading where students ask questions, activate schema, and establish purpose?
What is Preview?
This type of test question requires that you break it into parts and simplify it into terms you can understand.
What is an essay question?
This is the use of words to express a meaning that is the opposite of what is literally said. If you fall and someone says, "nice job!"
What is verbal irony?
The author's purpose directly affects this- it can be cynical, pessimistic, or ambivalent
What is tone?
This is the first step in evaluating an argument
What is identify the position on the issue?
This is the reviewing and arranging of what was included and learned after reading a passage.
What is recall?
This type of test will measure your knowledge on a subject you have been studying.
What is a content test?
This is a type of figurative language. It is the process of attributing human characteristics to non-living things.
What is personification
This is a statement of personal feeling or judgment. It reflects the interpretation of evidence rather than the evidence!
What is opinion?
"You have to give me an 'A' for EDR 100 so I can go to WCU in the fall!" is an example of this type of fallacy?
What is appeals to pity?