Tiers of Progress Monitoring

Why are there tiers in progress monitoring?

They explain the level of intensity in intervention that students receive.


What is the primary purpose of progress monitoring?

Students not responding adequately to instructions.


What is progress monitoring?

Progress monitoring involves frequent and ongoing measurement of student knowledge and skills and the examination of student data to inform instruction.


How is progress monitoring used within RTI?

Progress monitoring works within RTI as a determiner of growth for students and allows stakeholders to see if progress is being made.


What is the first tier of progress monitoring? 

Identify the student


What are benefits of progress monitoring? 

Increased learning, making adjustments to lessons and intervention, improved instruction, accountability (for teacher and student), better communication with families. 


What tools could you use for progress monitoring?

Regular and brief assessments that are valid, reliable, and evidence-based. 

Accepting examples :)


What are uses for stakeholders besides the students Gen-ed teacher or SPED teacher?

Teams can review data patterns and compare students’ rate of improvement to growth necessary to meet their goals. District and school teams may use systems level progress monitoring data to assess the effectiveness of district and school level interventions.


What is the third tier?

Students monitored to assess their response to intensive intervention. 

(How do they respond to the most intense intervention?)


What is the difference between universal screening and progress monitoring?

Screening is used to assess all students to determine who might need additional support. Progress monitoring is applied with students to assess their response to interventions. 


What do educators do with the data collected?

Allows teachers to track students academic progress or growth throughout the school year.


What are curriculum based measures? Why do they exist? 

A method of determining whether the student is learning the curriculum that is taught. 

They exist to differentiate and practice equity in the SPED and Gen-Ed classroom.