It is a law full right of an author artist composer or anther creator to control the use of his or her work by others?
Is the ability to use technology and the internet in an appropriate manner?
Digital citizenship
In 6D system approach if solution fluency it is the process of in an accurate and detailed action plan
What is the Greek word technology?
A type of malware that automatically delivers advertisements.
It is an act prescribing the intellectual property code and establishing office, providing for its powers and function and for other purposes?
Republic act no. 8293
What type of digital citizenship is this, Treating other internet users with respect and avoiding inappropriate behavior?
Digital etiquette
In 5A's approach in Information fluency it is the product and the process, which is both a teacher and a student practice?
It equates a learning with changes in either a form of frequency of observable performance.
Is a type of malicious software designated to remotely access or control a computer without being detected by users or security program.
Passing of the work of someone else as one's own or without acknowledgement of the original source?
What do you call the gap between people who have access to modern information and communication technology and those who don't?
Digital Divide
In 5I's to creativity fluency it is the desire outcome and criteria?
Learning is equated with discrete changes between states of knowledge rather than with changes in the probability of response.
It is the electronic sending of mass unsolicited messages?
Fair use
It involves teaching students how to protect their psychological and physical well- being while using the internet?
Digital Health and wellness
Is the ability to look analytically at any communication to interpret the real message and evaluate the efficacy of the chosen medium?
Media fluency
It do not deny the existence of the real world but contend that what we know of the world stems from our own interpretations of our experiences.
Is a type of malware that disguises itself as a normal file or program to trick users into downloading and installing malware?
Trojan Horse
Sarah, an aspiring writer, is struggling to come up with original content for her blog desperate for ideas, she stumbles upon a popular book series and decides to use its plot and characters as the basis for her own story. Without acknowledging the original author, she publishes the story on her blog gaining praises for her readers Sahar's story is essentially a carbon copy to the original. What did Sahar commit?
Copyright infringement and plagiarism
What are the 9 elements of digital citizenship?
Digital access, Digital etiquette, Digital Commerce, Digital Rights and responsibilities, Digital Literacy, Digital law, Digital communication, Digital health and wealth, Digital security,
What are the 5E's of collaboration fluency?
Establish, Envision, Engineer, Execute, Examine
According to _____, technology significantly aids in students' assessment.
Give atleast 2 examples of malware symptoms?
Increased CPU usage, Slow computer or web browser speeds, Problems connecting to network, freezing or crashing, Modified or deleted files.