What is the breakdown of Ms. Sherman's student body makeup in percentage?
20% Hispanic, 50% African American, 30% White
What time of year was it?
Holiday Season/ Christmas
Who was being bullied/harassed?
New student/ girlfriend of a football player.
What did the parent's believe about Ms. Sherman for reading the book?
Parents believed she was racist.
What did the goody bags contain?
Candy & pencils with Christian messages on them
Who did the victim of the bullying decide to tell?
Guidance Counselor
What did Ms. Sherman do after all the uproar?
She abruptly left her job.
Who collected the goody bags?
The principals.
Who did the guidance counselor not tell about the situation?
The vice principal aka the Title IV coordinator.
What happened to Nappy Hair as a result of the uproar?
The book was banned in New York classrooms.
What problem did the parents have with the goody bags that were given?
The right of students to express their religious viewpoints (First Amendment).
How long did the bullying continue?
Until the spring semester.