Ch 1 Vocab
Ch 1 Misc.
Ch 2 Vocab
Ch 2 Misc

This is an attempt to reward the best teachers with pay-for-performance.

What is merit pay?


The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is an organization that seeks to provide resources for this group of professionals

What are educators?


This is a view that suggests intelligence can be developed throughout life

What is growth mindset?


This is a view that suggests intelligence as determined at birth

What is a fixed mindset?


The role of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) is to do this.

What is to recognize superior teacher performance?


This is known as the expectancy of continued employment 

What is tenure


He is a theorist that outlined 8 intelligences to capture the diverse nature of human capabilities

Who is Howard Gardner


This is defined by leading organizations as students who encompass artistic talents, intellectual talents, and leadership skills

What is giftedness?


He was the first American to establish a first state supported normal school in Lexington, MA.

Who is Horace Mann?


There are 4 stages of teacher development, the first is survival.  This is known as the second stage

What is consolidation (focus on the children's learning)


This is the type of social intelligence that involves the ability monitor one's own and other's emotions and discriminate among them and use this information to guide one's thinking actions

What is emotional intelligence quotient (EQ)?


This refers to the practice of placing special needs students in regular education classrooms

What is mainstreaming?


The art and science of teacher often referred to as this

What is pedagogy? 


This state had the highest teacher salaries in the chart we discussed on page 4 of the text

What is Alaska?


This program offers college-level course to high school students

What is Advanced Placement (AP)?


This type of intelligence is defined by Garder as knowledge of one's own feelings, needs, strengths and weaknesses

What is intrapersonal?


Programs that provide assistance to beginning teachers for at least one year

What is an induction program?


This is the best-known alternate program for teacher certification, founded by Wendy Kopp

What is Teach for America (TFA)?


This legislation provided students with such provisions as FAPE, parental participation, LRE, and IEPs

What is IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)?


This program is an internationally recognized degree program that includes rigorous math, science, and foreign language requirements with diverse cultural studies

What is International Baccalaureate (IB)?