People in History
Terms and Acronyms
Special Education
and Process

This doctor is sometimes called the father of special education because of his work with Victor, who was found alone in the woods.

Who is Jean Marc Gaspard Itard


Societal attitudes that assert that it is better to walk than roll, read print that Braille, and spell independently than use a spell check. 

What is ableism?


This made school a requirement for students with disabilities.

What is PL-142 (the Education for All Handicapped Children Act)


This is what FAPE stands for.

What is a free and appropriate public education?


Specially designed instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability.

What is special education?


This journalist did an expose of Willowbrook that showed the horrific conditions people were living in. 

Who is Geraldo Rivera?


When we put the person before the disability, for example "a student who has a learning disability" versus "the disabled student".

What is people-first language?


PL 94-142 was reauthorized as this federal law, still in effect today, which drives the provision of special education services and mandates FAPE in the LRE.

What is The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?


This provision in IDEA requires that schools educate students with disabilities with non-disabled peers to the extent possible, and as close to their home as possible. 

What is LRE, or Least Restrictive Environment?


Most referrals for special education services are made by one of these people.

Who are general education teachers, other school professionals, or parents.


A French educator who developed a tactile system of reading and writing for people who are blind.

Who is Louis Braille?


Exceptional, special needs, and differently abled.

What are some examples of euphemisms?


This law prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities and was modeled after the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

What is Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act?


Every student who is identified as having a disability and requiring specially designed instruction is required to have one of these.

What is an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?


A written statement that asks the school district to evaluate a child to see if they need special education services.

What is a referral?


Taught children with hearing impairments to communicate through a system of manual signs and symbols and established the first institution for individuals with hearing impairments in the US.

Who is Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet?


The differences in human minds, and all of the unique ways that people can think, exist, act, process, feel and function.

What is neurodiversity?


This federal law was passed after (and largely as a result of) the Capital Crawl.

What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?


This must happen before a special education referral can be made.

What is Response to Intervention (RTI)?


A referral should not be made if these 3 things have/have not occurred.

What are: the student has not been provided with high quality instruction including evidence-based reading instruction; the student is learning English and their skills in their first language have not been determined; or, the student is presenting with behavior challenges but have not been provided with a structured, supportive learning environment and/or a behavior support plan?