What does IDEA stand for?
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
How many tiers of intervention are there?
What documents must a parent receive that explains their parental rights
Procedural Safeguards.
Disabilities are covered under this?
How many different kinds of education plans are there, and what are their names.
IEP, 504 plan, and IFSP
The age of 21
How many days must a teacher assess a student in order to begin referral process?
30 Days
Parents have the right to request an IEP meeting when?
Whenever they would like.
What are the most common classroom disabilities
What is the process that is used to determine whether a student qualifies for an IEP or 504?
An evaluation
How many disability categories are their is through IDEA
13 catergories
What is the name of the team that meets to figure out if data is needed.
MET . Multidisciplinary Education team
A parent can request this if they do not agree with the results of an evaluation
An Independent Educational Evaluation
This type of intervention identifies learning disabilities by monitoring a students progress to target interventions
RTI Response to intervention
A special education teacher needs to follow what from a students IEP?
Accommodations and goal tracking
What President signed the IDEA? On what date?
President Gerald Ford signed the IDEA on November 29,1975
What are the 3 tiers and how do they differ?
Each tier differs with the amount of support that is being provided to the student. In tier 3, the student is in a general education classroom for the entirety of the day. Tier 2 is when a student receives small group intervention while still being in a general education classroom a majority of the day. While tier 1, the student is in more small groups and has more individualized work that aligns with their IEP.
What rights does a parent have to bring an individual to an IEP meeting.
A parent may bring an advocate or a lawyer to a meeting known as a support person or representative.
What part of the education population is accounted for by Special Education?
What ensures that education is free and tailored to those with special needs?
FAPE, free appropriate public education