Special Ed Testing
Our Classmates

This is what FAPE stands for.

What is Free and Appropriate Public Education?


This act is focused on holding all students to a high expectation, including mandated tests.

What is Every Student Succeeds Act or ESSA?


This is the number of tier calendars that need to be completed and unsuccessful before special education testing can be requested by the school.

What is three?


This is the number of days a school psychologist has to complete the testing, create a report, and hold the case conference after parents sign for special education testing. 

What are 50 school days?


List at least four people who are from Indiana.

Who are: Austin (St. Joe), Alyx (Crownpointe), Hope (Columbia City), Shea (Waterloo), Olivia (Auburn), Ashtyn (Wabash), Makayla (Ashley), and Jessica (Ashley)

This is that LRE stands for.

What is Least Restrictive Environment?


This act requires all special education students to receive support in a public school.

What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?


This is the number of skills that are taught during Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 calendars?

What is only one?

Explain medical diagnosis, including what it means, who would complete the testing, and who would be financially responsible.

What are (1) showing a medical need not related to school, (2) a medical doctor, and (3) parents pay?


Name one person who is an English Education major.

Who are Cadence, John, Hikari, and Hope?


This is what IEP stands for.

What is Individualized Education Program?


This federal act accommodates for any individual with disabilities in a public setting (public transportation, work, etc).

What is the Americans with Disabilities Act?


This is who completes the Tier 1 calendar.

Who is the classroom teacher?


This is the definition of LRE.

What is least restrictive environment and when a special education student is with his/her general education peers as much as possible?


List at least three people who are from Ohio or Michigan.

Who are Sharefa (Coldwater, MI), Peyton (Paulding, OH), Cadence (MI), John (Coldwater, MI), Davenna (Hillsdale, MI), and Abby (Dayton, OH)?


This is what RtI stands for.

What is Response to Instruction?


When a student does not qualify for an Individualized Education Program, but shows a need for additional support in the general education classroom, the school staff meets with the parents to discuss and possibly implement this.

What is a 504 plan?


This is the number of days that a Tier calendar or intervention should take place.

What is at least 20 school days?


Explain educational eligibility, including what it means, who would complete the testing, and who would be financially responsible.

What are (1) showing a need for academic or behavioral support in the school, (2) a school psychologist, and (3) the school district pays?


List three of our majors.

What are English Education, Elementary Education, Health and Physical Education, Science Education-Biology, and Social Studies?


This is what MTSS stands for.

What is Multi-Tiered System of Supports?

This is what you should do if a parent tells you they want their child tested for special education services.

What is tell an administrator immediately?


This is who completes Tier 2 and 3 calendars.

Who are the classroom teacher and interventionist (or specialist)?


List at least three people who are required to attend the initial case conference if a general education student is tested for special education.

Who are three of the following: parents or guardians, school psychologist, general education teacher, administrator, and special education teacher?


List at least two classmates who participate in a Trine sport.

Who are Michael (football), Braeden (hockey), Abby (soccer), Macy (softball)?