Psychological and Academic Issues
Sociocultural Issues
Residential Transition Challenges
Theoretical Framework
Engagement Strategies
This group of students face a multitude of problems.
International students
________ is a socio-cultural issue that affects International Students in their adjustment.
Culture shock, cultural fatigue, racial discrimination
Why do many international students have limited social networks?
Many international students seek out other students from their own country and never reach out to other groups of students.
When should maps and information about campus life be given to international students?
Name two benefits international students would gain by serving as RAs (resident assistants)
An international student would gain leadership skills and interpersonal skills while serving as an RA.
_____ is a symptom of homesickness.
loss of appetite, headaches, low energy
What is one phase of culture shock?
Honeymoon phase, crisis phase, adjustment phase, adaptation phase
Dorming in Residence Halls and participating in clubs campus are effective ways for International Students to _______
expand their social networks.
When is it most effective for staff to intervene and help students adjust to surprises in their environment?
The Making Sense Stage or after the surprise has occurred
Why would resident hall presentations featuring multicultural dance, music, art, etc. be beneficial?
Resident hall presentations would promote cultural understanding and appreciation.
What is one way we can help international students?
communicated with them as peers, encourage engagement in campus activities, cultural training for domestic students
What is culture shock?
A multifaceted experience resulting from numerous stressors occurring in contact with a different culture.
What percentage of International Students pay full tuition with no financial aid?
When are surprises likely to occur for international students?
Anytime or within the first several quarters
What would be the purpose and/or benefits of a "One-Stop-Shop" for international students?
A “One-Stop-Shop” could serve as a lounge and source of information for international students.
Why do international students experience homesickness. loneliness, and depression?
They are coming to terms with realities of life in the U.S.
International students have difficulty adjusting to _______ (name as least one).
New customs, norms, regulations, eating habits, difference in educational systems
How can changing regulations for returning students affect engagement on campus?
Stress from complying with changing documentation regulations to renew student visas can be a distraction.
When should international students be instructed on the norms and behaviors of campus life?
Pre-arrival and arrival
True or False: information relating to campus life should only be made available in flyer form.
False. Information should be made available in a variety of forms.
What is one major problem concerning international students in an academic setting?
Language, adapting to a different culture, or differences in library structure
During the crisis phrase, students generally have mounting frustrations which cause feelings of ______ and _________.
Powerlessness, loneliness
What cultural factors can contribute to international students' ability to adjust to and engage in the culture on campus?
Religion and dietary preferences
Should staff only provide support to international students their first year on campus?
They should be supportive and help them their entire collegiate time.
What are some benefits of a semester-long orientation course? (List 2)
A semester-long orientation course would offer strategies for overcoming culture shock and social and academic skills training.