Engaged Learning
Preparing for a Test
Taking the Test
Test Anxiety

What does engaged learning mean?

Students who are fully involved in the college experience and spend time and energy necessary to learn, listen, take good notes, join in group discussions, ask questions, etc.


True or False:  Tests are usually a major portion of your grade in college.



What is one of the most common reasons that the textbook says that students make errors on tests?

Not reading or following the directions carefully


What is test anxiety?

Various answers


How do YOU prepare best for tests?

Answers vary.


What is a syllabus?

Course outline that goes over all assignments, grade break down, due dates, and class policies


What are 3 ways that you can prepare for a test?

-Find out about the test
-Design an Exam plan
-Use online quizzing
-Go to tutorials
-Join a study group
-Ask professor questions for things you don't understand
-Talk to other students


What is the first thing you should do on a test?

Write your name.


What are 2 symptoms of test anxiety?

-butterflies in stomach, queasiness, nausea
-mild to severe headaches
-an increased heart rate
-hyperventilation (not breathing correctly)
-shaking, sweating, or muscle cramps
-going blank during the exam and being unable to remember information


What type of tests are most common in college?

1.  Take Home Tests
2.  Multiple Choice Tests
3.  Essay Tests
4.  Open Book Tests

2.  Multiple Choice Tests

Why do you think this is?


Why is it important to speak up in class?

Instructors positively remember students who ask questions and are likely to be favorably disposed to those students when it comes to subjective grading. 


What are same ways that you can prepare PHYSICALLY to take a test?

-get good sleep
-follow a regular exercise program
-eat right


What are 2 different types of questions on tests?

-Essay Questions
-Multiple-Choice Questions
-Fill-in-the-Blank Questions
-True/False Questions
-Matching Questions


Why does test anxiety usually occur?

-pressure from yourself
-pressure from others
-lack of preparation
-negative past experience


For visual learners, what do you think are some of the best ways to study?

Answers will vary.


What are 3 things a student can do to show that they are engaged in learning?

Listening, taking notes, asking questions, participating in discussions, working with other students, come to class on time, silence phone and put away laptop, review notes, sit toward the front, etc.


What are some ways that you can prepare for a test EMOTIONALLY?

-know your material

-practice relaxing
-use positive self-talk
-be resilient


What are 3 good test taking tips?

-write your name
-look over the whole test and stay calm
-make the best use of your time
-jot down idea starters before the test
-answer the easy questions first
-if you feel yourself starting to panic or go blank, stop whatever you are doing
-try to answer each question, even if only in part
-if you finish early, don't leave immediately
-check your work if you finish early


What are 2 strategies for dealing with test anxiety?

-have good posture
-create positive mental messages
-keep your confidence high


True or False:  In multiple-choice questions, the answer is OFTEN not one that uses the words always, never, and only.

TRUE.  Often the correct answer is the option that is most comprehensive.


What are 3 ways that you can prepare for class?

-Read the syllabus

-Do the assigned reading
-Try to link what you're learning to something you have already learned or experienced
-Make use of additional materials provided by your instructors
-Warm up for class (review notes or book)
-Get organized
-Separate and label your materials


How can you prepare specifically for math and science exams?

-Do your homework regularly even if it's not graded

-Attend each class, always be on time, and stay for the entire class
-Build a review guide throughout the term
-Learn definitions and formulas


What are 2 different types of tests?

-Problem-solving tests
-Machine-scored tests
-Computerized tests
-Laboratory Tests
-Open-Book and Open-Note Tests
-Take-Home Tests


Why is it important to review your test after it is graded?

-it may help you do better next time
-it may clarify some things you were confused about
-you may find mistakes were the result of not following directions or being careless with words or numbers
-mistakes can help you learn if you can understand the reason for the mistake


When are final exams at Lone Star this semester?

Dec. 12-18, 2022