Pupil Appraisal Handbook: Defines exceptionalities and process for which students can and will be evaluated and found with or without exceptionality
What is Bulletin 1508?
What is National Institute for Excellence in Teaching?
What is Free Appropriate Public Education?
What changes HOW you learn?
What is Accommodation?
Not being able to profit off of someone else's work
Louisiana IEP Handbook for Students with Exceptionalities:Explains step by step IEP process and all components of IEP that have to be withheld by law; modifications and accommodations, healthcare, assistive tech, etc
What is Bulletin 1530?
What is Aspiring Teacher Rubric?
What is Special Education?
What changes WHAT you learn?
What is Modification?
The ability to use copyrighted material in the confines of a non-profit educational institution without repercussion
Fair Use
Regulations for Implementation of the Children with Exceptionalities Act:How IDEA gets implemented in Louisiana
What is Bulletin 1706?
What is Socioeconomic Status?
What is School Level Based Committee?
What are illegal physical, emotional, or sexual acts upon children?
What is abuse?
What is the ATR used for?
Hiring and placement of educators.
Regulations and Guidelines for Education of Dyslexia Students: Specifically for Dyslexia students
What is Bulletin 1903?
What is Americans with Disabilities Act?
Not providing a child with basic needs as a parent
What is Neglect?
The LRE for a student with exceptionalities, a classroom that includes all students.
Inclusion Classroom
What is Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?
What is Individualized Education Plan?
Not providing students with the proper education for their specific needs
A classroom that only includes students with exceptionalities
Self-Containted Classroom