Benefits of Learner Centered Approach 🧚🏻‍♀️
Philosophical Perspective 🏋️‍♀️
Dimensions of Learner Centered Teaching 🦢
Dimensions of Learner centered teaching part II (worth 500 points 💆‍♀️)

which is essential in today's rapidly changing world?

Life long Learning 🧑‍🦲


(A subject oriented philosophy) there primary concerned with the importance of mastery of the content and development of reasoning skills. This Philisophy in question Values knowledge that transcends time.

Perennialism 🙆‍♀️


What is Learning?

(If its close to the answer it is, therefore correct)


- much deeper than memorization and information recall.

- Deep and long-lasting learning! that involves
understanding, relating ideas and making connections between prior and new knowledge, independent and critical thinking and the ability to transfer knowledge to new and different contexts.

- a process that leads to change.

- the change in the learner may
happen at the level of knowledge, attitude or behavior.

- Learning is not something done to students, but rather something students
themselves do. 

- It is the direct result of how students interpret and respond to their experiences.


Based on the discussion, What is the role of the instructor?

  • Definition: An essential role of the instructor is to assist students in learning.
  • Essential Component: Use of learning and teaching methods appropriate for student goals.
  • Teacher-centered Approach: Does not have specific learning goals; uses methods that conflict with learning goals.
  • Learner-centered Approach: Instructor intentionally uses various methods that are appropriate for student learning goals.

This is where Learners are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning, which can help them develop greater independence and self-reliance. what benefit does this fall under to? 

Greater Independence 🦅🔥


(WHY TEACH) “not to radically reshape society” but rather “to transmit the traditional moral values and intellectual knowledge that students need to become model citizens.” this is also where it Emphasizes the academic content for students to learn the basic skills or the fundamental r’s – reading, riting, rithmetic, right conduct.

Essentialism 🧙‍♂️


TRUE OR FALSE: students need opportunities to develop interpersonal and social skills (often referred to as soft skills) that are important for professional and personal success.



Based on the discussion, What is the function of content?

  • Definition: Content includes building a knowledge base and how the teacher and student use that content.
  • Essential Component: Level to which students engage with the content.
  • Teacher-centered Approach: Teacher allows students to memorize content.
  • Learner-centered Approach: Teacher encourages students to transform and reflect on most of the content to make their own meaning out of it

TRUE OR FALSE: With a learner-centered approach, learners are encouraged to participate actively in the learning process rather than passive recipients of the information. This falls under to Better Engagement. 

False ‼️⁉️


TRUE OF FALSE: Constructivism is part of Teacher Centered Philosophy?

False 🙇


What are the three that is necessary for learning?

- Access to Information.

- Permission to interact.

- Absences of Compulsion.


Based on the discussion, what is the responsibility of learning? 

  • Definition: Students should assume greater responsibility for their own learning over time.
  • Essential Component: Responsibility for learning should rest with the students.
  • Teacher-centered Approach: Instructor assumes all responsibility for student learning.
  • Learner-centered Approach: Instructor provides increasing opportunities for students to take responsibility for their own learning, leading to achievement of stated learning objectives. 


This is a learner-centered approach can foster creativity and innovation, as learners are encouraged to think outside the box and develop their ideas and solutions. What benefit does this fall under to?

✨Enhanced Creativity✨ 


This philosophy is rooted in the idea that people have an ethical responsibility to lead lives that are personally fulfilling while at the same time contributing to the greater good for all people (HINT: It stresses more on the importance of human factors than religious matters)

Humanism 💃🕺🏻

(READ THE PASSAGE CAREFULLY AND IDENTIFY WHICH IS THE FALSE INFO): In 2015, Weimer states that learner-centered teaching involves students in: that practicing, working with difficult problems, and developing learning skills. Weimer calls this work the “messy work of learning.” Learning how to learn. Teachers teach students how to learn while they are teaching content. He also stated that Reflecting and assessing their own learning and taking responsibility for modifying approaches to strengthen their skills. Having control over some of their learning processes, such as making choices about assignments and helping to develop course policies. Learning collaboratively from one another and from their teachers.

Weimer stated in 2013


Based on the discussion, what is the balance of power?

  • Definition: The balance of power shifts to allow the instructor to share some decisions about the course with the students.
  • Essential Component: Flexibility in course policies, assessment methods, learning methods, and deadlines.
  • Teacher-centered Approach: Instructor mandates all policies and deadlines without flexibility.
  • Learner-centered Approach: Instructor is flexible on most course policies and adheres to agreements made with students.

What are the top nine benefits of the learner centered approach? 

  • Increased motivation: Learners are more motivated to learn when they are actively engaged in learning and feel that their interests and needs are being addressed.
  • Personalized learning: With a learner-centered approach, the learning experience can be customized to the needs and interests of each learner.
  • Improved retention: When learners actively engage in learning, they are more likely to remember what they have learned.
  • Greater responsibility: Learners are given greater responsibility for their learning, which can help them develop skills such as self direction, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
  • Improved communication skills: Learners can improve their communication skills by working in groups and engaging in discussions and debates.
  •  Greater independence: Learners are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning, which can help them develop greater independence and self-reliance.
  • Enhanced creativity: A learner-centered approach can foster creativity and innovation, as learners are encouraged to think outside the box and develop their ideas and solutions.
  • Better engagement: Learners are more likely to be engaged in the learning process when actively involved, which can lead to better outcomes.
  • More active learning: With a learner-centered approach, learners are encouraged to participate actively in the learning process rather than passive recipients of the information.


Give me Three Learner Centered Philosophies

- Progressivism: Progressive education revolves around the child’s needs and this comes from the experience of the child. Progressivists believe that teachers should foster the development of the whole child through hands-on learning, experimentation and play.

* Thought leaders in this philosophy: John Dewey,
William H. Kilpatrick, Maria Montessori, and Rudolph Steiner

- Humanism: rooted in the idea that people have an ethical responsibility to lead lives that are personally fulfilling while at the same time contributing to the greater good for all people. stresses the importance of human factors rather than looking at religious, divine, or spiritual matters. 

-  Constructivism: Learners are not passive recipients of information, but that they actively construct their knowledge in interaction with the environment and through the reorganization of their mental structures. "knowledge-acquisition” to“knowledge-construction”. the teacher becomes a cognitive guide of learner’s learning and not a knowledge transmitter.

(Wow good job 💁‍♀️)


What are the dimensions of learner centered teaching?

- The function of content

- The role of instructor

- The responsibility of learning

- The purposes of process of assessment

- The balance of power

Based on the discussion, what is the purposes and processes of assessment? 
  • Definition: There are additional purposes and processes of assessment beyond assigning grades.
  • Essential Component: Formative assessment as a means to give feedback for improvement.
  • Teacher-centered Approach: Instructor uses only summative assessment and provides no constructive feedback.
  • Learner-centered Approach: Consistently integrates formative assessment and constructive feedback throughout the learning process.