What is the difference between a population and a sample?
Population: all the units of interest in a study Sample: a selection of those units used to represent the whole population
This scale has named traits and is often synonymous with categorical data.
What is nominal scale data?
The power of any test of statistical significance is defined as the probability that it will reject a false null hypothesis. Name one element of a sample or statistical test that can affect power.
The alpha level The size of the effect of interest in the population The sample size used to detect the effect
A researcher is interested in the effect of the amount of sleep per week on high school students’ GPA. A group of 75 high school students agreed to participate in the study. Their average age is 17 years old (SD = 0.60). Name the population and sample.
Population: High School Students Sample: 75 HS students agreeing to participate in this study
What does ANOVA stand for?
ANalysis Of VAriance
Which of the following terms describes a sample and which describes a population? statistic margin parameter measurement
Population: Parameter Sample: Statistic
This is the most precise continuous measurement scale and includes an absolute zero.
What is ratio scale data?
When you find that you can reject the null hypothesis or that your p-level is below your 0.05 alpha level, you find significance. Does this finding mean you have statistical significant, practical significance, or both?
Statistical significance. Practical significance means you can use that information to make a decision.
A researcher is interested in the effect of the amount of sleep per week on high school students’ GPA. A group of 75 high school students agreed to participate in the study. Their average age is 17 years old (SD = 0.60). What is the IV and DV?
IV: amount of sleep DV: GPA
Name one of the popular statistical software packages used in the social sciences (Excel does not count).
What are the independent and dependent variables in this research question? Do gender and shoe size predict high school GPA?
IV: gender and shoe size DV: high school GPA
This continuous scale might include places in finishing a race or ranks.
What is ordinal scale data?
Research looking for differences between groups on a dependent variable based on grouping by independent variable(s).
What is mean-based or group-based design. Will also accept: ANOVA, z-test, t-test
A researcher is interested in the effect of the amount of sleep per week on high school students’ GPA. A group of 75 high school students agreed to participate in the study. Their average age is 17 years old (SD = 0.60). Is the age information a statistic or parameter?
Statistic because it only describes the sample.
The alternate hypothesis says that the groups are different. The _____ hypothesis says that all the groups are the same. This hypothesis is rejected when you find statistical significance.
What is the NULL hypothesis.
Descriptive statistics help describe a sample. What is the purpose of inferential statistics?
To explain/predict whether the mean difference or relationship between variables in the sample occur by chance. To test hypotheses and find statistical significance.
Give an example of each kind of data scale: NOIR, Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio
Nominal: Gender, Group Ordinal: Class Rank, Clothing Size, Olympic Medals Interval: Temperature, IQ Ratio: # Correct Answers, Time to complete; Gain in Heigh
In statistical hypothesis testing, a type I error is the incorrect rejection of a true null hypothesis (a "false positive"). What would a type II error mean or be called?
A type II error is incorrectly retaining a false null hypothesis (a "false negative").
To investigate whether self-efficacy of learning statistics differs between male and female first-year graduate students in the U.S., one researcher collected data using (a survey) from a random sample of 220 first-year graduate students learning statistics from 20 American universities. The responses to the 12 Likert-scale items on the survey were summed up with higher total scores representing more self-efficacy of statistics. What kinds of scales are being used? gender and survey
Gender: nominal Survey: interval
What are the three measures of central tendency? Hint: they all begin with M
What are the Mean, Median, and Mode
What are the main differences between experimental and non-experimental research? Answer must include control group, random assignment, and whether causal inferences might be made.
E: has a control group, randomly assigned groups and can eventually make causal inferences NE: no control group, not randomly assigned, no causal inferences.
This continuous scale does not have an absolute zero and means the full distance.
What is interval scale data?
Research where the independent variable(s) PREDICT the dependent variables. This is a non-experimental method.
What is the correlational method.
Gretta asked all of the boys and girls on her soccer team to find out what their favorite ice cream flavors were. She wanted to use this information to choose what kind of ice cream to bring for their last game celebration. Did she work with a sample or the population?
The population because her group of interested was only all the players on her soccer team.
The bell curve is another term for this kind of distribution.
What is the normal distribution.