A philosophy promoted and studied by Skinner, focusing on positive and negative consequences to mold behavior.
What is Behaviorism?
This piece of legislation passed in 1964 outlawed discrimination in federally funded institutions.
What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
The perspective that school should promote patriotism and teach students to follow laws and law enforcement.
What are the political goals of school?
A registered voter with a high school diploma who is a resident of a designated region.
What are the requirements for presiding on a School Board?
A possible accommodation for motor skill difficulty in students with autism, mentioned by Dena McAllister.
What is adjusting the angle for reading and writing?
Associated with Progressivism, this theorist's Pedagogical Creed stated that a student's interests and curiosity should lead what they study.
Who is John Dewey?
This act provided funds to improved the education of impoverished students in order to promote equity and was signed by President LBJ.
What is the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)?
A possible negative consequence to political goals of education.
What is international conflict due to increased patriotism? OR What is contradicting critical and free thinking?
A publicly funded school created around a specific theme or subject, such at art or technology.
What is a Magnet School?
An example of Culturally Responsive Teaching.
What is acknowledging the legitimacy of all background and heritages?
This ancient roman educational theorist disavowed the use of corporal punishment and believed that a student learned more if they trusted and respected the teacher.
Who was Quintilian?
This act confirmed the right of ALL students to a free and appropriate education by forcing public schools to accommodate for children with disabilities.
What is PL 94-142? of What is the Education for all Handicapped Children Act?
To decrease crime and solve societal problems, such as drug abuse, early pregnancy, or mental health problems?
What are the social goals of education?
A publicly funded school that is not liable to some of the rules and regulations that other public schools are.
What is a Charter School?
Incorporating multicultural resources and information that supports all students in the classroom.
What is Culturally Responsive Teaching?
What is Essentialism?
The reauthorization of ESEA by implementing standards-based schooling and federal testing.
What is the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)?
Learning how to behave in a crowd, listen to authority figures, and accept positive reinforcement.
What is the Hidden Curriculum?
Moving to another school during open enrollment, not in district lines.
What is an inter-district transfer?
A practice of not separating students with extra needs or multilingual learners, but having them participate in all aspects of a "typical" classroom.
What is full-inclusion?
This theorist is commonly associated with Social Reconstructivism, as he believed that education was designed to encourage students to form a new social order.
Who is George Counts?
The newest reauthorization of ESEA (in 2014) that reduces reliance on high-stakes testing.
What is the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)?
To create intelligent individuals who get good jobs and then support the economy more.
What are the economic goals for education?
A certificate of funding that can go to a school of the parents' choice?
What is a public-private school voucher?
A program designed to teach students English as well as support their knowledge of and ability to read, write, and comprehend their native language.
What is maintenance bilingual learning?