to fail
to flunk
to hand out
to hand in
scholarship / grant
to break a habit
to slip out of / get rid of the habbit
to focus attention on smth (S & A)
Syn.: to concentrate on smth
Ant.: to distract attention from smth
in writing
in written form
to miss deadlines
to meet deadlines
всестороннее развитие
all-round (comprehensive) development
to refresh (knowledge)
to brush up
to sign ... for a course
to lecture ... smth
learn ... mistakes
to sign up for a course
to lecture on smth
learn from mistakes
to try to learn a lot very quickly before an exam
to cram
elective, optional
поставить зачет
to give a credit
to stop doing something before you have completely finished
to drop out
... generates an existing word which is different from that intended by the writer
a spelling mistake
to take an exam again because you failed it the first time
to cheat on an exam
to complete the exam honestly
текущий контроль
continuous assessment
to succeed very easily in something, especially a test
to sail through
students who are enrolled at the same university and are pursuing the path of academic education together
fellow students