General Industrial Revolution
Ideological Managers
Economy and Education

The industrial revolution marked the shift from homemade goods to...

Factory manufacturing


Name the 3 major idealogical managers of this time.

Frederick W. Taylor

Booker T. Washington

John Dewey


Who started the idea of social reconstruction on the 1920s?

George Counts


Why did African American women need to create their own women's clubs?

The clubs that already existed were made up of white women who excluded African Americans.


During the industrial revolution, people moved from______ areas to _____ areas.

Rural areas to Urban areas


What were the main ideas of Taylorism?

Hierarchical control, specialized training for workers, and scientific management for controlling workers.


What did the idea of social reconstruction focus on?

Education and knowledge would pull people from poverty and it was the job of teachers to educate.


When was the first NACWC conference held?

September 15, 16, and 17, of 1897


What two industries were key to the industrial revolution?

Iron and Textile 


The Atlanta (Southern) Compromise led to the idea that...

African Americans would settle for a "separate but equal" education system


What did the Social Efficiency Doctrine state? 

children's social needs would be fulfilled by the teaching of cooperation on schools.


What role did Booker T. Washington play in the creation of the NACWC?

He helped arrange for some of the larger club conferences that occurred before the even larger NACWC conference in 1897. 


Describe the negative impact of the industrial revolution.

Poor and middle class workers had terrible employment and living conditions.


Name 3 of the reforms made by the Progressive Reform Movement.

Regulating child labor

Improving working conditions

Fighting unfair business practices

Making government more democratic

Improving urban conditions


During the Great Depression, why were schools in such great debt?

Enrollment was up by 750,000 and funding was down 278 million dollars.


List 5 of the issues that were brought up at smaller women's conferences.

Establishment of kindergartens                             Careers for women

Suffrage                                                             Citizenship

Industrial training for women                               Higher education for women



Why were children necessary to the textile factories?

They could fit in between machines to fix or restart them because they were so small.


List 5 of the ideals for education systems inspired by the Progressive Reform Movement.

Better sanitation

More sun and open air

More creative environments

Lower teacher to student ratios

Basic health and food services

Establishing night school for adults

Making schools social centers

Making administrative changes 

Using the Taylor model


What effects did the New Deal have on education?

100,000 teachers were hired for adults, preschool, nutrition, and school building repair.


List the 7 main goals of the NACWC.

To promote the education of women and children

To raise standards of the home

To improve conditions for family living

To work for the moral, economic, social, and religious welfare of women and children

To protect the rights of women and children

To secure and enforce civil and political rights for the African American race

To promote interracial understanding so that justice may prevail among all people