Teacher Tings
Name that Disability!
Learning Styles
Disability Facts

When designing a course plan, teachers should consider all the following:

 Schedules, Units of study, Personal characteristics

What is this called?

What is lesson planning?


Hyperactivity, Inattention, and Impulsiveness are behaviors of this type of disorder.

What is Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? {ADHD}


This theory includes Biological and Physiological needs, Safety needs, Love and belongingness needs, Esteem needs and Self-Actualization needs.

What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs?


Learning styles is defined as.

What is preferred methods of absorbing and processing information?


Is a term that is used to describe people who have abnormal limitations on their levels of mental functioning.

What is intellectual Disabilities?


When a teacher reacts responsively to a learner's needs by using multiple instructional approaches.

What is Differentiation?


This disorder causes people to act differently from their age group causing harm to others.

What is Conduct Disorder?


This theory focuses on the motor skills of children such as Sensorimotor skills being the idea that an object is still present, even if hidden.

What is Jean Piaget’s developmental stages for children?


What learning style is this?

What is oral?


Is a disorder of the brain. It occurs when the way the information transmitted in the brain does so a little differently.

What is Learning Disabilites?


Who made the lesson plan that we follow today including a hook, objectives, teaching, guided practice, checking for understanding, independent practice, and a closure?

Who is Madeline Hunter?


With this disorder, kids are disruptive, make careless mistakes, and they have a hard time paying attention during long lecture.

What is Attention deficit disorder?


This theory expands on another, giving parents a huge role in their child's development. 

What is Kolbs learning process?


What learning style is this?

What is visual?


The two types of perception disabilities

What are visual perception and auditory perception?


What is it called when developing higher-order thinking skills, and is important to use the lower order thinking skills as building blocks. It also has 6 levels.

What is Bloom's Taxonomy?


Refers to the principle that a student who has a disability should be educated with peers without disabilities, to the greatest extent possible.

What is Least Restrictive Environment? {LRE}


This theory was made by a man who found that when you have a pleasant experience, such as receiving a compliment you internalize the experience as positive. Hint- he is pretty skinny!

Who is B.F. Skinner?


What learning style is this?

What is hands on?


The disability that may cause discomfort and even pain.

What is Sensory perception disorder?


What are the 4 types of thinking?

What is Critical thinking, Creative thinking, Divergent thinking, and Convergent thinking?


Is a written statement of the educational program designed to meet a child’s individual needs. Every child who receives special education services must have a {Blank}

What is Individualized Education Program? {IEP}


This theory focuses on the stages of life such as calling ages 13 - 20, Learning Intimacy Versus Isolation {Love}.

What is Erikson’s Stages of Social-Emotional Development?


What is the real name for the hands-on learning style?

What is tactile-kinesthetic?


Causes of intellectual Disabilities

What are Perinatal problems, Problems during pregnancy, Genetic conditions and Health problems?