Equality of Opportunity
Equality in Education
Schooling and the Global Knowledge Economy
The Economic Goals of Schooling

What are school models supposed to achieve?

Equality of opportunity in schooling.


Were all men treated equally since the Decleration of Independence declared "All men are created equal"?

No, all men weren't treated equal because of racism and white supremacy. "Even many signers of Declaration of Independence, including Thomas Jefferson, owned enslaved Africans and later denied U.S citizenship to Native Americans."


When did the "human capital" and "knowledge economy argument" become a national issue?

In 1983; the federal government's report "A Nation at Risk" blamed the allegedly poor academic quality of American public schools for causing lower rates of economic productivity than those of Japan and West Germany."


What do politicians claim educating students for work will do?

Result in economic growth.


What did "The Common-School Model promote?

Children from all social classes receiving the same common education.


What was Horace Mann's vision?

"Schools will ensure everyone receives an education that allows them to compete for wealth on equal terms. Life is a competitive race, and school is the starting point."


Is there a barrier required to determine education in the workforce?

Reich argued "there should not be barrier between education work."


What is "human capital"?

The idea that investment in education will improve the quality of workers and increase the wealth of the community.


What did "The Sorting-Machine Model" promote?

Students are classified and placed in ability groups that will lead them to "appropriate" jobs.


What is Equality of Opportunity?

Achievement based on merit not family wealth, heredity, or special cultural advantages. 

Equality of Opportunity can be thought of as a contest where everyone is competing for jobs and income."


What justified No Child Left Behind?

Human capital and global competitiveness


Who proposed human capital?

Horace Mann


What did "The High-Stakes Testing Model" promote?

An achievement examination the determines a persons future academic career and job opportunities.


What did Horace Mann expect from declaring schools to be a "great balance wheel of society?"

"Mann believed equality of opportunity would reduce tensions between the rich and poor. The poor could believe their children has an equal chance to compete with the children of the rich?"


What is the global knowledge economy?

The knowledge economy is an economic system in which the production of goods and services is based principally on knowledge-intensive activities that contribute to a rapid pace of advancement in technical and scientific innovation as well as accelerated obsolescence.


Economic goals influence public school policies, curricula, and _____________.

Standardized testing