An adult wild turkey, known for its impressive plumage, has about this many feathers,
What is 5000-6000?
The Education & Outreach program that was established in 1998.
What is Women in the Outdoors Program (WITO)?
The number of national conventions held by the NWTF
What is 49?
Found in 38 states and four Canadian provinces this is the most abundant of the five subspecies of wild turkey.
What is Eastern Wild Turkey?
A number of education and outreach events hosted in the past fiscal year?
What is 1029 events.
This intriguing aspect of turkey hunting is also the focus of a popular annual event at the NWTF convention.
What is the Grand National Turkey Calling Championship?
The amount from each dollar raised that supports our mission to conserve the wild turkey and preserve our hunting heritage.
What is 90 cents on the dollar?
This act of 1937 that put an excise tax on sporting goods and ammunitions
What is the Pittman- Robertson Act?
NWTF's highest record attendance on record for a national convention.
72,243 people (2024)
This part of the wild turkey's anatomy can change colors based on its emotions.
What are caruncles?
What is the number of staff working directly within the Education & Outreach Team?
What are 8 employees.
(Mandy Harling, Teresa Carroll, Morgan Evans, Jesse Warner, Jen Davis, Kirsty Paulsen, Shelby Isensee, Kasie Harriet)
The amount of exhibition space to showcase goods and services at the NWTF sport show in Nashville.
90,000 square feet
This (scientific name) game bird is one of the most widely distributed species in North America and can be seen grazing in fields and woodlands by day and roosting in trees at night.
What is Meleagris gallopavo?
The number of years our JAKES programming has been running?
What is 44 years?
JAKES was started in 1981!
Who is Bill Clinton?