Legality Shmegality, Policy Shmolicy
History Trivia
The authors of this article.

Who are Span and Rivers?


A federal act that allotted funding to public schools with the intent of offering a more equitable education for all students. This act set the precedent for many others after.

What is the Elementary and Secondary Education Act?


The year of Brown v Board of Education.

What is 1954?


This term refers to an intergenerational accumulation of issues that need to be repaid in regard to the educational inequalities students of color have received.

What is education debt?


A federal program part of ESEA that provides funding to health, education, and social services to preschool level and younger children, especially those from low-income families.

What is Head Start?


The 1998 California Proposition 227 had this purpose. 

What is required English-Only teaching and eliminated bilingual classes?


The difference between the academic results of students of color and white students.

What is the achievement gap?


A revision of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act that further refined state-centric standards of education. Its focus was to hold schools accountable for the progress of their students.

What is No Child Left Behind?


The case that was overthrown/overruled by Brown v. Board of Education.

Plessy v. Ferguson. 


The name for a standardized educational assessment that provides data on the average scores of different groups across the nation.

What is National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)?


A federal program that provides funding for schools that take in and support low-income students. It is part of ESEA.

What is Title I?


The name of W.E.B Du Bois's envisioned small league of college-educated, classically trained African Americans who would "serve as leaders of their race."

What is the Talented Tenth?


A set of laws and an especially oppressive system of racial segregation that derives its name from a minstrel show.

What is Jim Crow?


The landmark Supreme Court case that deemed the "separate but equal" standard in public schools as unconstitutional. 

What is Brown v. Board of Education?


The president that instituted No Child Left Behind.

Who is George W. Bush?