1975 Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Miscellaneous Topics

This number represents how many children were not allowed to attend public schools in the early 1970s due to handicapping conditions. 

What is one million?


What year did this reauthorization of IDEA occur which placed a greater emphasis on inclusion in general education and mandated Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) and Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS).

When was 1997?


This model emphasizes participation, function, and focus upon educationally relevant goals.  

What is the educational model? 


This act was passed in the year 2015 and replaced the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002.  

What is Every Student Succeeds Act?


According to Texas court rulings Response to Intervention (RTI) must never be used to do this.

What is delay evaluation?


This service mandate is provided to children who meet eligibility requirements, at no cost to families, and address: 1. improving, developing, or restoring functions impaired or lost through illness, injury or deprivation. 2. Improving the ability to perform tasks for independent functioning functions are impaired or lost; and 3. Preventing, through early intervention, initial or further impairment of loss of function.

What are related services?


This part of IDEA specifies that an Individualized Education Plan must be designed to include special education and related services to all students from 3 – 21 years of age

What is Part B?


School districts that do not provide accommodations for students eligible for 504 could lose this.

What is federal funding?


ESSA mandated that these personnel are expected to engage in consultation by providing training and participating in MTSS.

What are Specialized Instructional Support Personnel (SISP)?


What tier is providing professional development training or in-services to teachers on handwriting curriculums, fine motor development or sensory strategies to support learning and participation.  

What is tier 1 response to intervention or multi-tiered system support?


This mandate requires that students with disabilities receive their educational program with children who are not disabled to the maximum extent appropriate.

What is Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)?


Part B of IDEA lists these types services of occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, special education counseling and transportation.

What are related services?


According to a 2015 AOTA survey, this percentage of occupational therapists work in either early intervention or school-based settings.

What is approximately 25%?


This term was specified in NCLB and required that all teachers meet the standards of a minimum of a bachelor's degree plus pass accountability tests.

What is "highly qualified"?


This tier of intervention could include occupational therapist's providing curriculum support to small groups for handwriting instruction. 

What is Tier 2 of RTI or MTSS?


This term refers to services being provided at no cost to parents and services adequately meet the student's unique needs.  

What is Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)?


This part of IDEA was passed in 2011 and mandated that intervention services for at-risk children from birth to 3 years of age be provided.

What is Part C of IDEA


504 students are not considered special education students and do not have an IEP. However, if the student is struggling to participate fully in classroom activities they should have this.

What is a written plan that includes accommodations?


The educational legislation of NCLB was passed in 2002 under this president.

Who is George W. Bush?


This disability education legislative update enabled schools to provide services to students in general education who are struggling academically or behaviorally before being referred to special education, and included related service support such as occupational therapy. 

What is IDEA 2004?


The Education for Handicapped Children Act was reauthorized in 1986 to allow for this service provision to 3 and 4 year-olds. 

What is early childhood intervention?


The first amendment to IDEA occurred in 1991 and mandated the provision of two services.

What are assistive technology and transition services?


This was a landmark court case that did not pertain to special education. It ruled that it was unconstitutional to separate students based upon race. It highlighted the importance of having equal opportunity in education. 

What is Brown vs. the Board of Education Topeka 1954? 


NCLB mandates Common Core Standards be established. In Texas these are known as....

What are Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)?


The purpose of this educational framework is to identify and address student problems early in order to reduce the need for more intensive services later. 

What is response to intervention (RTI) or multi-tiered system support (MTSS)?