Research Articles & Sources
Literature Review & Research Question
Research Design
Analysis & Interpretation
A paper written by author(s) who either collected and analyzed their own data, analyzed data collected by someone else, or a combination
What is a research article
A statement formulated prior to the design of an experiment in order to test its truth
What is a hypothesis?
The number of respondents selected to provide information (data) to help address about the research question or hypothesis
What is the sample size?
Allocation of participants to groups unsystematically in order to study their responses to a treatment
What is random assignment?
Measures used are appropriate for the purposes of the study and consistently assessed
What are reliability and validity?
The section of a research article in which the author describes: the information to be collected, how it will be collected, from whom, and when or how often
What is the Methods Section
The section of the article that discusses previous research conducted in the area of focus
What is the Literature Review or Background section?
Collectively, the respondent group matches the number and types of individuals for whom findings can be generalized
What is representativeness?
Measurements taken before and after the exposure of study participants to the treatment
What is pre- and post-testing?
The first level of the analysis involves computing means, medians, and modes.
What are measures of central tendency?
A literature source that assures the reader of the quality of the research conducted and the findings that are presented
What is a peer-reviewed journal?
The Literature Review introduces this feature of the study
What is the new element or focus of the present study?
The findings of the study can be applied to the larger population from which the sample was drawn
What is generalizability?
A research design in which participants are randomly assigned to either a treatment or a control condition
What is a true experiment?
The measure of the dispersion of scores around the mean
What is the standard deviation?
A US Dept. of Education initiative that identifies studies that provide credible and reliable evidence of effectiveness of a given practice, program or policy
What is the What Works Clearinghouse?
A detailed and rich description of this appears in the Literature Review
What is the treatment condition?
A study which combines the collection and analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data
What is a mixed-methods study?
A research design in which it is not possible to use random assignment to experiment/control conditions, but techniques are used to demonstrate their equivalence
What is a quasi-experimental design?
Combining multiple data points in an analysis to answer the research question
What is multi-variate analysis?
The highest rating a research article can attain upon review by the What Works Clearinghouse
What is Meets What Works Clearinghouse Standards without Reservation?
Who is the best looking member of the PLC staff?
June 18th
What is Tom's birthday?
Assessing the pre- to post-test differences of the experimental group on the key outcome measures AND the post-test differences of the control and experimental groups
What is the "double diff"?
The statistic used to show the probability of obtaining a result that demonstrates no difference
What is the p-value?