True or False: All international students at OSU should be able to write perfect academic papers in English from their first year.
What are two characteristics that make a source a good source to support your academic writing?
A good source should be:
1. directly related/relevant to the topic
2. highly reliable
What are three ways to integrate source information into your academic writing?
1. Quotation
2. Summary
3. Paraphrase
What are the three basic parts of a typical academic essay?
1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Conclusion
True or False: Every instructor at OSU will expect you to write academic papers in exactly the same way.
If you needed to find an good source to support your academic writing, what are two ways to search for it?
Two ways to search for good academic sources:
1. Use academic databases from OSU Libraries
2. Use Google Scholar
What is a paraphrase?
A paraphrase is a restatement of someone else’s ideas using your own words.
When we write academic essays, we need to follow academic writing style guidelines like APA 7th edition. What are two parts of an academic essay that should carefully follow these kinds of guidelines?
1. In-text citation
2. References
What are three characteristics that make academic writing different than other types of writing?
1. Be more formal
2. Be more organized/logical
3. Be careful to follow academic style
4. Be sure to cite sources and ideas of others appropriately
What are three of the five questions to ask yourself when critically evaluating the rhetorical situation of a text?
When writing the opening sentence of a basic academic summary, what are three of the five key pieces of information needed to inform and educate the reader about your particular source?
In the article “It’s Time to Face the Facts", Harvey Mansfield (2001) discusses his personal policy for assigning two distinct grades to the Harvard students taking his political philosophy course.
When writing the opening sentence of a basic academic summary, five key pieces of information are needed to inform and educate the reader about your particular source: 1. the author's name, 2. the publication date, 3. the title of the article/source, 4. the reporting verb, and 5. the main idea of the text.
What are the five steps involved in the academic writing process?
1. Brainstorming/Planning
2. Outlining
3. Drafting
4. Reviewing/Revising/Conferencing
5. Final Version